Tuesday, May 15, 2007

NCMA Conference - Day 2 on Friday, May 4th, 2007

NCMA Conference - Day 2 of 3:

7:00 - 8:00am - Breakfast by local Rotary group - consisted of eggs, pancakes, bacon, etc

8:00 - 9:10am - Official Opening of NCMA Conference

Opening Statements by Mayor Scott Nelson (City of Williams Lake) / Jon Wolbers (CRD Chair)

Also Bob Simpson (NDP MLA - Cariboo-North) made opening remarks as well as discussing the role of local governments in relation to serving the public. He also noted that politicians don't get nearly the respect and appreciation from the public that they deserve

During the day, discussion pursued in the Gibraltar Room over 2007 NCMA Resolutions by NCMA Delegates.

At 9:55am, Dr. Don Cozzetto (President - University of Northern BC) gave a speech to NCMA Delegates about some of the work that UNBC was doing to promote post-secondary education in Northern BC Communities including TeleEducation in smaller, remote communities and work on the Northern Medical Trust which allows medical professionals to upgrade their medical training in the North without leaving the region again. The Trust has some $6,000,000 in its' account, which was its' goal for next year. Councillor Ron Paull (City of Quesnel) informed NCMA Delegates that their next goal for the Northern Medical Trust is to push the amount of money inside the Trust to beyond $6,000,000

I unfortunately didn't get a chance to attend Day 3 which occurred on Saturday, May 4th, 2007. However, I can say that I did thoroughly enjoy my time at NCMA and if given the opportunity, I would gladly attend another NCMA Conference once again.

Next year are local government elections and perhaps if I am elected in November of 2008, 1 of the conferences as a elected Councillor that I want to attend is the 2009 NCMA Conference, wherever it is located

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear you are considering to run for office. As the say, there's no life like it!
