Tuesday, May 15, 2007

WL City Council Meeting Highlights - May 15th, 2007

1) Delegations

a) Bill Derbyshire / Gurbax Saini from the Crematorium Society presented a cheque of $5,900 to Council as it was money left over from the fundraising for the Crematorium that has occurred over the last number of years. On motion of Councillor Rathor, Council supported his motion to deposit the money into a reserve account to be used only in case the running of the crematorium runs into a deficit position

b) Winnifred Gooding - President of the local O.A.P.O (Branch #93) re: Home Support Campaign

Council endorsed a resolution by the local O.A.P.O Branch asking that further cutbacks to Home Support cease and that Home Support be restored to 1994 levels. Councillors Rathor/French asked Ms. Gooding to send the Resolution directly from the local O.A.P.O Branch in order to send a message to the Provincial Government that everyone is concerned about Home Care Support Levels

c) Sheila Mortensen - Local Commander from the Cariboo Power & Sail Squadron

Ms. Mortensen requested a Proclamation declaring the week of May 19th - May 26th in the City of Williams Lake as Safe Boating Awareness Week

Council agreed with Ms. Mortensen's request

2) Council / Staff Reports'

i) 2006 Audited Financial Statements

Council approved the Statements. Councillor Barr commented that the City's Financial Position is one of strength. The City's Equity increased by $5,000,000 while debt increased by $500,000

ii) Re-Zoning Application for Hamel Road - Applicant: Tyler Boucher

Council gave 1st Reading Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2019 to allow for re-zoning from Acreage Reserve (A-1 Zone) to Single Family Residential (R-1 Zone) + Low Density Multi-Family Residential (R-3 Zone). This application has now been referred to the City's Advisory Planning Commission for their comments/recommendations. The site in question is up the street from the Laughing Loon

iii) Annual WL Stampede Proclamation

Council unanimously gave approval for this proclamation and also give permission to City Staff to enter the City's Float in the annual Stampede Parade to be held at the end of June. I personally would encourage everyone to please take in all the events happening during the WL Stampede occuring between June 25 - July 2, 2007

Mayor S.D. Nelson also announced at the end of the meeting that an annoucement on a future retail store was immaninent in the next 2 weeks. It was also revealed the developer in question will be in Williams Lake in the next 1-2 week to work on the application in order to make this announcement at the May 29th, 2007 Council Meeting

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