Thursday, October 25, 2007

Steven's Political Rant #3

1) The NDP and the BC Legislature Speaker

Earlier this week, the House Speaker (Hon. Bill Barisoff) ruled that Carole James's Private Member Bill M-214 (Minimum Wage Fairness Act, 2007) was out of order on the basis that it infringed on the Crown Prerogative respecting creation of new programs or increased expenditures on the Provincial Treasury and only the Governing Party, at present - the BC Liberals' can introduce such a Bill upon the recommendation of the Lt-Governor to the Legislature. Hours later, BC New Democrats issued a press release called "B.C. Liberals Cut Off Minimum Wage Debate".

However, if one looks at Hansard, on Monday, October 22nd, 2007 during the morning sitting of the House. The Government House Leader (Hon. Mike DeJong), nor any other member (NDP/BC Liberal) raised a point of order re: M-214. The Speaker, on his own initiative, ruled Bill M-214 out of order. It is deeply disheartening that the NDP would choose to politicize the Speaker's decision as one based on politics, rather than one based upon a review of the bill and whether or not the bill conforms to the rules of the House. Standing Order #9 in part says:

"No decision shall be subject to an appeal to the House.

Which, in English, means that when a ruling by the Speaker is made, it is final and that members should move on. The Speaker is a independent servant of the House and in the case of Bill M-214, the Speaker exercised his authority in a fair way and the NDP shouldn't pout like a little child because it didn't get its' way. The Office of the Speaker must, at all times, remain above political rhetoric to ensure that all members are treated fairly and further ensure that the Speaker is not perceived to be favouring either the Government or Opposition side of the House.

October 23rd, 2007 Meeting of North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee:

During this meeting, the Gary Young report was discussed by the CRD Directors' for Areas A, B, C and I and Quesnel City Council. During the meeting, Mayor Bello suggested that all recreational facilities such as parks, trails, etc should be equally paid for by all taxpayers - rural and city.

The part I find most unfortunate is that Mayor Bello likes to do double-speak. He successfully had himself appointed as Quesnel Council's rep. to the CRD Board and continues to pontificate to the CRD Northern Directors' as to what they should be paying for. Certainly, I would strongly encourage him to follow the lead of WL Council.

He needs to consult with CRD Directors prior to creation of new services that may be regional in nature and other services that benefit all residents' (rural and city) and do it with an air of respect that makes it clear that he won't be directing CRD Directors' as to what they should be paying for and how much and that he seeks to have a harmonious relationship with his CRD Director counterparts. The Cariboo Regional District has gone to great lengths and then some to help out Quesnel Council with their fiscal challenges in regards to Quesnel services that are used by regional residents like:

1) Soccer
2) Airport
3) Transit

I would like to think that he should be grateful, given the economic conditions of the region. In fact, it was commented at this meeting that several of the new bylaws that would allow for contributions from rural taxpayers' to the City of Quesnel for their Airport, Transit and Soccer are in danger of being defeated. But, the actions of Mayor Bello are a long line of actions since 2004 and if wants a harmonious relationship with Directors Armstrong, Falloon, Wilkins and Glassford, then I would suggest that he seek the advice of Mayor Nelson and take his advice when he seeks it. CRD Directors in the Central Region (Zacharias, Dickey, Barnett, Bracewell and Mumford) have consented to a contribution towards the operation of the Cariboo Chilcotin Museum among other areas that are of concern between CRD Directors' for Areas D, E, F, J, K and the City of Williams Lake Council. I believe that the relationship between the CRD Central Directors and the City of Williams Lake Council is one that Quesnel Council must emulate in order to deliver high quality services in the North Cariboo. This can be done by rolling up the shelves and not pontificating to CRD Directors' but working in partnership with them for the betterment of all residents, rural and urban.

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