Thursday, October 25, 2007

WL Council Highlights - October 16th

Public Hearing at 6:30pm :

Bylaws for WL Seniors Village & Pioneer Family Land Partnership were considered

1 person spoke in favour of rezoning & OCP amendment bylaws for WL Seniors' Village and 1 person spoke about Rezoning & OCP Amendment bylaws for Pioneer Family Land Partnership re: Traffic Flow on Highway 20 & South Lakeside Drive and Infrastructure concerns

All bylaws that were before the Public Hearing were accordingly referred back to the Council Meeting later on for consideration of 3rd Reading.

Meeting adjourned at 7:07pm

Council Meeting - 7:30pm


1) WL RCMP Detachment Commander, Staff-Sgt. Grant Martin, discussed Crime Stats from Jan.1 - Oct. 15

2) Kevin Brown presented overview for Barkerville Circle Tour. His report was referred to Council's Committee of the Whole for further consideration

3) Councillor Mead gave an overview of his trip to China with Mayor Nelson. His Council report was referred to the Economic Development Portfolio for further consideration


1) Bylaw #'s: 2007, 2021 (Pioneer) and 2032, 2034 (WL Seniors' Village) were all given 3rd Reading. Bylaws #'s 2032, 2034 were then adopted. Bylaws 2007 and 2021 were referred to the Ministry of Transportation for their approval prior to adoption

2) October 2007 has been proclaimed as Foster Family Month, Community Living Month and Autism Awareness Month

3) Council approved the tender for the purchase of four new GMC ¾ ton pick‐up trucks at a cost of $122,223 to Cariboo GM.

4) In September, Mayor Nelson and CAO Alberto DeFeo had the opportunity to meet with Chief Willy Alphonse and Band Councillor Heather McKenzie to discuss a number of ways to further common interests between the City and WL Indian Band. In last evening’s Council meeting, staff was directed to initiate collaboration with the Williams Lake Indian Band to address overlapping land use issues as well as water and sewer needs.

5) Council has directed Staff to prepare expressions of interest for several projects to the Federal Government Mountain Pine Beetle Community Economic Diversification Initiative. The projects include:
a) Industrial Rail Spur
b) Highway 20 Corridor Project
c) Event Centre,
d) North End Grey Water System
e) Community Forest Business Plan
f) Cariboo Economic Development Capacity
g) Stampede Park Upgrade.

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