Wednesday, July 16, 2008

WL Committee of the Whole Proceedings - July 15th


1) Dr. Elmer Thiessen (Chair, Water/Waste Water Advisory Committee) - Dr. Thiessen formally presented the Committee's report to Council and undertook to answer Councils' questions' and where he couldn't answer a question, members of the Water/Waste Water Advisory Committee helped answer Councils' questions. Staff to bring back a report to implement all recommendations from the Water/Waste Water Advisory Committee in 60 Days

2) Gian Sandhu / Rick Jones from Jackpine Forest Products came before the Committee to request that Council considered implementing a tax-exemption zone for properties owned by Jackpine for future expansion over a 5-year period. Council, generally speaking, was prepared to favourably consider the request. Staff requested to bring forward a report at the next Committee of the Whole with Financial Implications on implementing Mssrs. Jones and Sandhu's request.


1) Council agreed to deny request of Williams Lake Curling Club for waiving Water/Sewer Fees during the summer as it may set a dangerous precedent for other non-profit clubs. Council also agreed to send an application form to the WL Curling Club to apply for a Grant-in-Aide for 2009 Budget year.

2) Council adopted all Staff Recommendations concerning An Affordable Housing Policy in Williams Lake. Staff to work on Recommendations flowing from their report on this subject

3) Council agreed to waive its' Strata Policy, following a request from Pal Nijjar for his property at 1000 Maple Street

4) Letter from Tyler Bronowski (request to turn former Poplar Glade property into a bike park) to be referred to Central Cariboo Recreation Commission for consideration

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