Tuesday, August 5, 2008

CRD Board Highlights - July 18th


1) A group of farmers' from the North, Central and South Cattlemen Associations' presented several concerns they had to the Board, who were quite sympathetic to their plight and ensured the Delegation that the Board would do what it could at this fall's UBCM Convention to raise their concerns with the appropriate Cabinet Ministers


1) The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Reading to Bylaw #4420 (Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Service Establishment). This bylaw is the final product of discussions from the Central Cariboo Joint Committee and the local Arts Council regarding lack of funding vis-a-vis local Arts programming. (Note: I will expand on this topic further in another post)

2) Aug 9 - Director Alex Bracewell (Area 'J') will be at the grand opening of new Wheelchair-Accessible Wilderness Trails at Tatlayoko Lakes (about a 3.5 hour drive west of Williams Lake). This project is part of Director Bracewell's ulitmate vision of 210 kms of wheelchair-accessible wilderness trails by 2010.

3) Recycling at 150 Mile House - Recycling Bins have now been added at the 150 Mile House Transfer Station and depending upon the outcome of this trial project, more recycling bins may be added to other transfer stations throughout the Regional District

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