Tuesday, August 5, 2008

WL Council Highlights - July 22nd


1) The Owners' of 3 Amigos Racing Kennels appeared before Council to thank them for their financial and moral support over the years. They are moving to Manitoba to further their dog racing career

2) Certificate of Merit - Mayor Nelson presented a Certificate of Merit to Jason Wright, who saved Riley Timmerman from drowning in Chimney Lake on June 28th of this year


1) Council agreed to give 3rd Reading to Bylaws #2060/2061 (Rezoning/OCP Amendment Bylaws). These bylaws would permit the use of a "indoor storage facility" on Pioneer Family Land Partnership held lands. Nearby neighbours at Terra Ridge were fiercely opposed to this application during the Public Hearing, held earlier in the evening. The City's APC (Advisory Planning Commission) had also recommending that this application be rejected. As a result of 3rd Reading of Bylaws #2060/2061 - Council requested Staff to, within 60 days, put a gate across Hutchison Road barring regular public traffic and still allowing City Staff to access the City's Water Tower on Hutchison Rd. Further, Council authorized Staff to begin the legal process of shutting down Hutchison Road (process takes about 1 year to complete)

2) Council adopted a Recommendation from Committee of the Whole which requests Staff, within 60 days, to prepare a report for Council's consideration to implement all recommendations of the Water Advisory Committee including formation of a new permanent Water Advisory Committee.

3) Council adopted a Recommendation from Committee of the Whole which request Staff to prepare a report for Council's consideration at a future Committee of the Whole meeting with regards to a new Industrial Tax Exemption Zone with Financial implications

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