Sunday, August 31, 2008

CRD Board Meeting Highlights - Aug 29/08

Delegations (2) -

i) BC Hydro - Dave Conway gave an overview to the CRD Board on the Site C Dam project. Pros/Cons on the Site C Project. The Board was happy to see the information. Chair Wolbers, on behalf on the CRD Board, thanked Mr. Conway for coming

ii) Allison Ruault from Interior Health gave an presentation to the Regional Hospital District Board on IH Activities in 100 Mile/Williams Lake/Chilcotin including Staff, Capital and Operational initiatives. Chair Richmond, on behalf on the Regional Hospital District Board, thanked Ms. Ruault for her presentation on recent IH Initiatives to the Board


1) The Regional District agreed to support their application to Northern Trust’s Small Community Economic Development Capacity Building Program. To leverage the Northern Trust application, the CRD will access funds from the 2008 South Cariboo Economic Development function

The Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation has given $10,000 to the Regional District for to 2008/2009 fiscal year. The funding will be used for Treaty Advisory Committee Chair, Ted Armstrong to participate in treaty negotiations with the Northern Secwempemc te Qeltnucw First Nation

3) The second of two Board-on-the-Road events for 2008 will be held in Quesnel on September 18 and 19. On the evening of Thursday, September 18, a community barbeque in celebration of the CRD’s 40th Anniversary and will take place in Lebourdais Park from 5to 7 p.m. The regular Board meeting on September 19 will take place at 9:30 a.m. in Quesnel City Hall Council Chambers. Everyone is welcome to attend.

4) The Regional District Board announced appointments to the CRD’s new Heritage Committee. Joan Sorley and Jim Gibson were named as representatives for the central Cariboo, while George Atamanenko will sit on the committee as the representative for the Chilcotin.

5) The Williams Lake Fringe OCP took one step forward during the Board meeting as the Directors reviewed comments from the recent public meeting and comments from the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC). The ALC visited Williams Lake on June 24, and met with staff to discuss the OCP and conducted a field trip around the Fox Mountain area. The CRD will now contact rural property owners affected by the ALC requirements and determine support for an Agricultural designation. Information on the Williams Lake OCP is available online at

6) The Cariboo Regional District has agreed to a proposal from School District No. 27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) to move the Cariboo Regional District Library to a portable located at the Likely Elementary School grounds. The two year agreement will be effective immediately with plans for the library to be relocated to this new facility this fall.

7) The CRD Board reviewed information regarding the new Accord between the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) and the Province regarding the Trade Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA). In 2006, the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia signed an agreement to remove barriers to trade, investment and labour mobility between the two provinces. The agreement builds upon the prosperity in both provinces by giving businesses and workers seamless access to a larger range of opportunities in all areas, including energy, transportation, agriculture and investment.

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