Sunday, August 31, 2008

WL Council Meeting - Aug 26/08

Delegations - None


1) New Fire Hall Borrowing Bylaw was adopted by Council, after 200 electors' filed the necessary form registering their opposition to Council adopting the Bylaw. 775 electors' needed file the necessary form in order to prevent Council from going ahead and adopting the Bylaw.

2) A development variance permit was approved for the Pioneer Family Land Partnership to allow for off-site storm water management for their proposed subdivision (South Lakeside Drive Wal-Mart site ). Council also approved the Advisory Planning Commission’s recommendation to include green space with walking trails and landscaping to encourage public use.

3) Council accepted a rezoning application from Aviator Hotel and Oakdale Mobile Home Park Ltd. and gave first reading for the proposed construction of a 136 Unit hotel which will be
located on the property adjacent to the Loon Hotel. The residence would be removed prior to
building. The proposed hotel would be five stories with underground parking. The application will be forwarded to the Advisory Planning Commission for their comments and recommendations.

4) Central Cariboo Disposal was awarded a 5-year contract for the City's Garbage/Recycling Contract. Rates include:

Garbage – Multi Family Units per year - $70.20
Garbage - Single Family Unit per year - $70.20
Recycling – Single Family Dwellings - $37.56
Recycling – Multi Family Units - $37.56
Civic Facilities $2004.00

Council also authorized a tender process for the purchase 6000 carts to be funded by self borrowing from the Landfill Closure Reserve and negotiate with the Cariboo Regional District
for assumption of the recycling bins at the Central Cariboo Transfer Station.

5) The Williams Lake Community Arts Council moved into the Heritage House Facility at
Cariboo Lodge in April after vacating Skyline School to accommodate realignment of
Hodgson Road. The agreement provides terms and conditions for their occupancy of Heritage
House for a term ending December 31, 2009. In addition, an in-camera report was made public
which outlined the issues associated with maintaining the Cariboo Lodge building.
Council authorized Staff to investigate feasibility and costs of deactivating the mechanical
systems in the older wings of Cariboo Lodge and establishing a stand-alone central heat and
domestic hot water system for Heritage House.

6) Council concurred with a Committee of the Whole recommendation to accept Staff's recommendations on the implementation of the Water Advisory Committee's Recommendations'

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