Monday, October 27, 2008

Carole James statement - Premier's 10 Point Economic Plan

This evening, Carole James gave her official response to the Premier's 10 Point Economic Plan that he delivered last Wednesday. It was filled with the usual NDP rhertoric. It is surprising that she is still calling the carbon tax - a gas tax. Many seniors I talk to are not as concerned about the carbon tax as they now see it as "revenue neutral" through tax rebates and income tax cuts. While the Premier's statement was "live" and carried on Hansard TV (BC Legislature Channel) and on Global-BC and CTV - British Columbia. Ms. James's speech was carried live on CTV - BC but not on Global-BC. Ms James's speech was "taped" earlier in the day

The Premier's speech was filled with government actions to protect British Columbians during the economic challenges that we find ourselves in and took pains to ensure his speech was not political in nature, although you could infer that his speech was the "unofficial" kick-off to the 2009 Provincial General Election.

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