Monday, October 27, 2008

Prosperity Project - Environmental Assessment Review (Public Comment Period)

There will be open houses Friday Nov. 7/08 and Saturday November 8/08 for the general public to look at documents and comment as part of the Environmental Assessment review of the proposed Prosperity mine at Fish Lake.

The open houses are:

• 6 pm to 8 pm Friday, Nov.7 at the Gibraltar Room - Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex
• 10 am. to 12 pm Saturday, Nov. 8 at the Gibraltar Room - Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex
• 4pm to 6 pm Saturday, Nov. 8 at the Alexis Creek Community Hall.

The public will be able to see the draft federal-provincial environmental impact statement terms of reference, which outlines what studies Taseko Mines Ltd. must conduct to provide a proper environmental impact study.

The public can also view the terms of reference for establishing a federal review panel.
The comment period on both documents runs from Monday, Nov. 3/08 to Dec. 3.
The documents will be available for viewing at the Williams Lake Public Library (180 North 3rd Avenue - across from WL Credit Union) and at Williams Lake City Hall (450 Mart Street) as of Monday, November 3rd, 2008

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