Monday, October 27, 2008

Special Committee of the Whole Meeting - WL Council (Oct 27/08)

Meeting started at 5:01pm

Mayor Nelson and Councillors Barr, Mead, Rathor and O'Neill in attendance

Staff in attendance - CAO A. DeFeo, General Manager of Community Services B. Carruthers and General Manager of Financial Services D. Lazzarin

Delegations - None


1) Communications Policy (Amended Draft) - Committee to recommend to Council that the amended Draft Communications Policy be approved

2) 2009 Grant-in-Aide - '09 Grant-in-Aide spreadsheet matrix of $55,000 approved, subject to Staff clarifing a concern with the BIA Grant-in-Aide application. '09 Grant-in-Aide spreadsheet referred to Tues, Oct 28/08 meeting of Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee for discussion. Grant-in-Aide Budget for CRD Areas D-E-F + City of Williams Lake is $50,000 per year.

Meeting adjourned at 5:25pm

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