Friday, October 24, 2008

City of Williams Lake - Committee of the Whole Meeting on Oct 21/08

Delegations - None


1) 2009 Grants-in-Aid - referred to Finance Portfolio for discussion and recommendations from Finance Portfolio to be discussed on Monday, Oct 27/08 Special Committee of the Whole Meeting. Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee to discuss on Tuesday, Oct 28th at 5:00pm in the Cariboo Regional District Boardroom

2) Communications Policy - Staff requested to make amendments to Policy and bring revised Policy back to next Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, October 27/08

3) Downtown Parking Commission - Staff requested to research options for dissolution of the Downtown Parking Commission and to report back

4) Proposed 2009 Sculpture Project - Approval-in-Principle to proceed with the Project was granted

All Recommendations from Committee of the Whole to be ratified at WL Council's November 4th, 2008 meeting

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