Friday, October 24, 2008

CRD Board Highlights - Oct 10/08


1) Tatjana Bates from Interior Health made a presentation to the CCRHD Board (Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District) regarding local food procurement for hospitals/schools. Ms. Bates highlighted the Healthy Eating Guidelines for Schools and the new Policy for BC Public Buildings which includes recreation centres and local communities. Ms. Bates also discussed current projects underway for the local Food Action Network.


1) CRD Bylaw #4446, 2008 (Williams Lake Fringe OCP) was read a 1st and 2nd time. The Bylaw now goes out for formal public consultation including referral to different agencies and a public hearing at a future date

2) The CRD will be holding a Referendum on the proposed North Cariboo Multi-Centre in conjunction with the November 15, 2008, local government elections. As part of the process a substantial communications strategy along with support materials have been designed to help residents make an informed decision about the proposed North Cariboo Multi-Centre. Four of the major components of the plan include a newsletter that is being delivered to all residents within the North Cariboo Recreation Boundary, a telephone survey of the residents, two public information sessions, and a comprehensive informational advertising campaign

On Thursday, October 9, 2008, the Cariboo Regional District hosted the official launch of the new Cariboo Chilcotin Promotional DVD in the Gibraltar Room of the Cariboo Memorial Complex. Staff from local governments including the CRD, Williams Lake, Quesnel, the Districts of Wells and 100 Mile House, along with tourism associations from across the region have been working on this production for the past two years. The video highlights opportunities for tourism, economic development, investment and lifestyles within the Cariboo Chilcotin.

On behalf of the Regional Hospital Districts within the Interior Health jurisdiction, the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) will be sending a letter to the Ministry of Health expressing concern about the recently implemented capital health planning process. While the Regional Hospital Districts respect the desire for a process which allocates funds on a provincial basis to all levels of government-funded programs, assurance that the process will be reasonable, cost effective, inclusive and timely is required

5) The CRD Board agreed to use $10,000 of its Community Works Funding for Bouchie Lake Community Hall. The request was received from the Bouchie Lake Recreation Commission to assist in adding insulation and siding to the Bouchie Lake Community Hall. The recreation commission will contribute $5,000 towards this project to meet the 25 percent community group commitment required for the CWF Community Hall Energy Efficiency program

6) The Cariboo Regional District and City of Williams Lake developed a proposal to provide fire protection services to rural fringe properties located on the south west portion of Fox Mountain, the Esler subdivision and a portion of the Dog Creek area. A total of 334 petitions were distributed, with only 148 being returned, which is under the required 50 percent return rate. Based on these results, the fire protection proposal for these areas cannot proceed at this time

7) The Cariboo Regional District Board discussed the increasing volume of issues with pre-engineered metal buildings, patio covers and sunrooms. These products are built from pre-engineered components, sometimes from provinces that have differing provincial building codes than British Columbia. The Cariboo Regional District reminds residents to check their local or provincial building codes prior to purchasing and installing a prefabricated structure

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