Tuesday, November 4, 2008

CRD Board Highlights - Oct 31/08

Delegations - None


1) Alexis Creek Water

The Board of Directors awarded contracts to two local companies who will be completing Phase one and two of the Alexis Creek Water System. The first phase which was awarded to Dawson Construction, will see development of a Distribution and Treatment System. Phase Two construction, is development of a reservoir and was awarded to Western Tank and Lining. The original design concept for a water system at Alexis Creek was for a simple pressure tank system, as its lower cost would be more affordable for the low number of properties. Due to good engineering and competitive prices, the CRD is able to provide a superior water system for Alexis Creek residents

UBCM Tourism Funding Awarded to Communities

UBCM Tourism funding was awarded to three different projects across the Cariboo. In Electoral Area C, Director, Ronda Wilkins granted the Barkerville Heritage Trust with $1,000 to support the purchase and installation of an above ground vehicle fuel dispensing system. This system will provide fuel to all visitors to Barkerville, Wells, and the Bowron Lakes as well as residents of the immediate area.

The Kersley Community Association was given $18,326 by Electoral Area A Director, Ted Armstrong to support the creation of a wheelchair accessible trail, a picnic area, and washroom facilities on the Kersley Lease Land. The goal of this project intent is to create a wheelchair accessible trail, a picnic area, and washroom facilities which will help draw increased numbers of visitors by improving accessibility for all people regardless of their abilities.

In the Central Cariboo, Director Sue Zacharias authorized $8,649 of Area D UBCM Tourism funding to be used by the Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club for the installation of signage at Bull Mountain. By improving its signage, visitors will be able to locate the ski area with ease and be informed about the various ski trails. The signage will help increase visitor numbers and improve visitor experience.

3) Towns For Tomorrow

After some serious lobbying for CRD communities by the Board of Directors, the Minister of Community Development, the Honourable Blair Lekstrom officially announced that the Towns for Tomorrow Funding program is now available to regional districts and unincorporated communities. The expansion of this infrastructure program will now provide between 75 to 80 percent of the total funding for project costs (to a maximum of $400,000) for communities with a population fewer than 5,000. Communities with populations between 5,000 and 15,000 will now be eligible for the same percentage of projects costs, but to a maximum of $375,000. The Towns for Tomorrow Funding Program is intended to support or help in the development of community infrastructure projects. Further information on this program is available online at www.cariboord.bc.ca or by calling the Regional District at 250-392-3351 or toll free 1-800-665-1636.

4) Take Your Shot – Get Immunized

The annual Ministry of Health influenza (flu) immunization campaign gets underway the first week in November. Influenza is highly contagious and is the leading cause of preventable death due to infectious disease in Canada, killing thousands of Canadians every year and hospitalizing thousands more. See http://www.immunizebc.ca for more information

5) Olympic Mascots

The CRD will be seeking opportunities to invite the 2010 Olympic mascots to events happening throughout the Cariboo Chilcotin. Communities from across the region are urged to send a list of events to the CRD by emailing mailbox@cariboord.bc.ca or faxing 250-392-2812.

6) Wildwood Transfer Station

The Cariboo Regional District will be holding a public meeting to discuss implications and rationale for the closure of the Wildwood Transfer Station. During the meeting, the residents will have an opportunity to learn of alternatives and the costs associated to maintain the site. The Board also discussed proposed options for improved wood waste segregation, recycling options and possible cost sharing agreements with the City of Williams Lake. Watch the CRD website and the local media for dates, times and locations of the public meetings.

7) CRD Bursary Winner Recognized

The CRD Board of Directors will be sending Ms. Shelby Nickless a letter congratulating her on her recent graduation in Criminal Justice from the University College of the Fraser Valley. Ms. Nickless was one of the inaugural winners of a CRD Bursary in 2006

Future Board Meetings:

Thursday, Nov 13/08 at 6:00pm - CRD Finance/Budget Committee meets to finalize numbers for 2009 Budget

Friday, Nov 14/08 at 9:30am - CRD Board of Directors' meeting (Note - this is the final meeting of the CRD Board of Directors for the term of 2005-2008)

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