Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Future All Candidates Forum - SD #27, CRD + City of WL

A reminder of the following forums for School Board, Cariboo Regional District and City of WL (Councilors + Mayor):

Mayoralty Candidates Forum on Tuesday, Nov 4/08 - hosted by WL Chamber of Commerce:

Held at Pioneer Complex (not certain of which room though - you can ask the front desk which room exactly they are holding it) from 11:30am - 2:00pm. Chamber members only + guests can attend this event

School District #27 - Tuesday, Nov 4/08 - hosted by C-C Teachers' Association:

Held in WL Junior School Commons Area - for Zones #4, 5, 6 Trustee Candidate's

Mayoralty Candidates Forum on Wednesday, Nov 5/08 - hosted by Cariboo GM:

Held at 510 North Broadway (former College + GM Site) from 7:00pm - 9:00pm. This will be an "Open Mike" Forum, you can go up to the Mike, ask your question and they will allow a rebuttal, as required. This forum is being moderated by John Dressler

CRD - Area 'F' Director Candidate's + SD # 27 (Zone 4 Candidates), hosted by Miocene Community Association:

Held at Miocene Community Hall from 7-9pm on Wednesday, Nov 5/08. This forum is being moderated by Ross McCoubrey (former teacher at 150 Mile Elementary + President - Miocene Community Association)

Mayor + Councillor Candidates - City of WL:

This forum is being held at WL Seniors' Village on Thursday, Nov 6/08 from 3-5pm. I encourage all to attend

Mayor + Councillor Candidates - City of WL Forum - hosted by Social Planning Council:

This forum is being held at the Gibraltar Room on Wednesday, November 12th from 7-9pm. The format used is called "World Cafe". Candidates will be at tables and the public can approach the table where the candidate you want to discuss issues with is - have a discussion and move on to the next table

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