Tuesday, November 4, 2008

All Candidates Forum - WL City Councillors at Gibraltar Room on Monday, Nov 3/08

All 11 Candidates for City Council (see previous post on Candidates for WL City Councillor for actual names)

About 60 people in attendance, including myself, WL Chamber of Commerce Directors and Brian Goodrich, who moderated the forum

Topics of Discussion included:

a) Arts and Culture
b) New Fire Hall
c) P3's (Public-Private Partnerships)
d) Identifying 1 Major Issue for next term to focus on and also issue(s) that you couldn't address
e) Thompson Rivers' University in WL and how to improve its' stature in Williams Lake
f) Level of current City of WL Debt

All in all, a good forum, good turnout and as it was said by one individual, some tough choices lay ahead for voters' on Nov 15

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