Tuesday, November 4, 2008

CRD Bylaw #4420 - Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function (Proposed)

Recently, I have been going door-to-door providing information on CRD (Cariboo Regional District) Bylaw #4420 (Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function - Proposed). I've been critical on this CRD initiative in the past and now, I'm going to take a step further

If elected, I will work with my fellow CRD Directors to do the following:

1) Refer Bylaw #4420 back to Central Cariboo Joint Committee for further discussion and request them to either abandon the Bylaw in favour of creating a "Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Strategic Plan" and if a Function is necessary then, go for it with full public consultation, led by WL Council + CRD Directors, in all participating areas (ie: Electoral Areas D, E, F, J, K + City of WL - if appropriate in Electoral Areas J + K) or if even borrowing, again as necessary/appropriate, for perhaps a full Arts and Culture Centre - more discussion there, I believe, is necessary

If the Joint Committee wishes to proceed with Bylaw #4420, then I would ask them to have Staff remove Electoral Area 'F' as a Participant in Bylaw #4420 and bring the draft amended Bylaw #4420 back to Joint Committee for discussion before referring it back to the Board for approval

The current Bylaw #4420, is not in the best interest of local government and Area 'F' residents, in my humble judgment and that of all Area 'F' residents that I've talked to so far.

If that means certain people want to accuse me of being "Anti-Arts and Culture" in Williams Lake, then so be it. I'd rather be accused of being "Anti-Arts and Culture" then abdicate my responsibility to all Area 'F' residents.

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