Friday, November 14, 2008

My last pitch to Area 'F' Residents

As this is the last official day of campaigning permitted by provincial law, I'm going to lay out my case to those who read my blog and may reside in Area 'F' of the Cariboo Regional District:

Steve's Goals for 2008-2011, if elected

1) Get the Regional District Board to withdraw Bylaw #4420 (Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function) or at the minimum, remove Area 'F' as a service participant in Bylaw #4420

2) Establish a new Function called "Central Cariboo Transit" with Electoral Areas D, E, F as participants. Service to include conventional transit and Handi-DART to Function participants. Also, I would seek funding from Williams Lake/Soda Creek Indian Bands into this Function, with the Function being fully implemented by 2011, at the latest

3) Work at "Garbage" issues at Rural Transfer Stations in Central Cariboo, in concert with Solid Waste Plan Review in 2009

4) Establish Policy around Public Consultation and Amendments to Electoral Area OCP (Official Community Plan) Bylaw / Rural Land Use Bylaws

5) Clarify present CRD Board Policy as such that only CRD Directors to hold public consultation on new Function Bylaw(s) prior to introduction of said Function Establish Bylaw at Regional Board

6) Introduce, by 2011, NQI (National Quality Institute) program at Cariboo Regional District. This is a program that has to do with excellence in Customer Service in Local Government. The City of Kamloops uses this NQI Program and have received numerous awards for their NQI initiative. The City of Williams Lake has this as a Business Goal for 2008/2009.

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