Friday, November 14, 2008

No Blog Posts on Saturday, November 15th (General Voting Day)

As you know, General Voting Day for all Local Government Elections in BC occurs on Saturday, November 15th. I would obviously strongly encourage you to vote for your candidate, whether that is for Mayor and Councillors, Regional District Directors or School Board Trustees

I've received advice that because advertising on General Voting Day for Local Government Elections is strictly prohibited and my blog could be seen as a form of adveritising, I've been asked not to do any "blogging" on Saturday. On Sunday, November 16th, I will report on all Local Government races in Quesnel, Williams Lake, 100 Mile House and Cariboo Regional District races in Areas B, D, E, F, G, H and L, as well as the voting on the 2 Referendum Questions in Quesnel

Again, regardless of whom you are voting for, please get and vote. Your local democracy depends upon it

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