Wednesday, February 25, 2009

WL City Council Highlights - Feb 24th, 2009

Delegations (2):

1) Christine Constable, Jane Perry and Devon Crosina trio performed two selections of Handel’s Water Music

2) Penny Robart from ESP Consulting presented information on the “Workers Adjustment
Transition Project"


1) Second reading was given to the rezoning application for a proposed Manufactured Home Park on Wotzke Drive. StanCom Developments Ltd has proposed the development of a bare land strata gated mobile home development which will provide approximately 30 homes and one single family lot

2) Council rescinded the original resolution authorizing a development variance permit as the development plans for the proposed Aviator Hotel at 1820 South Broadway have been altered. The new application, to vary the maximum height restriction to 20 meters and allow for off-site overflow parking was accepted. The Advisory Planning Commission will now review the application and Staff will issue notice to the owners and tenants within 100 metres of the property

3) Council awarded the contract for the development of the City’s Official Community
Plan/Integrated Community Sustainability Plan Review to the Whistler Centre for
Sustainability, Smart Growth Advisory Services and the Natural Step for $175,000

4) Council awarded the tender for the garbage collection cart purchase to IPL Inc.
for a total price of $326,332.88. The new program will be implemented in the spring of 2009. Each household within the City will receive one cart for solid waste and one for recycling.

5) Council approved a bylaw amendment which will delay the 50% water & sewer rate increases which had been planned for 2009 until 2010 due to the current economic conditions

6) Third reading was given to Bylaw #2084 for Dairy Queen on Broadway Ave. S. It will now be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation for approval, in accordance with Section 52 of the Transportation Act

7) Approval was given for the 15th Annual Spring Round-Up Car Show and Shine on Sunday, May 31, from 7:00am to 5:00pm between 2nd and 4th Avenues

8) Council endorsed a BC Law and Citizenship Curriculum Assessment Project which will
advance civic studies in the grades 7 through 12 Social Studies school curriculum

Next Council Meeting: March 10th, 2009 at 7:30pm
Next Committee of the Whole Meeting: March 3rd, 2009 at 6:30pm

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