Wednesday, February 25, 2009

WL Council Public Hearing on Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2084(Dairy Queen - 1218 Broadway Avenue South)

Mayor Cook, as Public Hearing Chair, called the Public Hearing to order at 7:00pm

The Director of Corporate Services (Sue Moxey) read the explanatory note and purpose for Bylaw #2084 and informed Council that no correspondence had been received either for or against Bylaw #2084

Mayor Cook then called for Oral Submissions:

1) Steve Forseth (1197 North 3rd Avenue) - spoke in favour of this application and requested Council to address Greenhouse Gas Emissions issue, with respect to drive-thrus, at the time that the City's OCP (Official Community Plan) and ICSP (Integrated Community Sustainability Plan) Plans are reviewed/formed

Mayor Cook then called 3 times for further Oral Submissions. None were forthcoming

Council agreed, by Motion duly moved/seconded, to refer Bylaw #2084 to the February 24th, 2009 Regular WL City Council for consideration of 3rd Reading

The Public Hearing adjourned at 7:07pm

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