Sunday, March 29, 2009

The BC-NDP and Priorities

Tonight, I received a email asking BC NDP members to complete a survey to list the priorities of its' members. Some of the Questions included:

1) Do you support a balanced budget?
2) Do you support the Port Mann Bridge Expansion Project?
3) Do you support the Elimination of Child Poverty?
4) How much of a priority is funding programs exclusively for BC Liberal constituencies?
5) How much of a priority is BC Rail paying Patrick Kinsella $300,000?
6) How much of a priority is eliminating the gas tax?

Which much of the questions related to issues that the BC NDP traditionally pushes during an provincial election campaign, I'd like to focus a moment or two on 2 questions the BC NDP are asking:

1) Do you support the Port Mann Bridge Expansion Project?

I know my good blogger friend, Jordan Bateman, will be interested here, but for the NDP not to support this project (Port Mann Bridge Expansion) but cry out for more transit buses from Surrey into Metro-Vancouver, via the Port Mann Bridge and the Pattullo Bridge just demonstrates how out of touch the BC-NDP MLA's for Surrey are. Also, the NDP's position on this, relative to their environmental goals, shows their comments are at the absolute "height of hypocrisy". This bridge was built in 1964 and I doubt the Port Mann Bridge designers' had intended to have the amount of traffic on the bridge today, when the bridge was built 45 years ago. Also, any one driving on that bridge today will tell you that there is no way right now you can logically run a half-decent transit service via the Port Mann Bridge, given the traffic flows on that bridge. So kudos to Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon and BC Premier Gordon Campbell for pushing forward on this initiative

2) How much of a priority is eliminating the gas tax?

It still amazes me how they (BC-NDP) still promote the carbon tax as a "gas tax". I do agree with the Hon. Gordon Campbell (Premier of BC) that the NDP is being "intellectually dishonest" with the BC electorate on this subject. If you want to charge a price on carbon and affect environmental change in this province, it is better to charge it directly to consumers' then to sneak it in some other fashion, like the BC NDP is proposing to do, if they, God forbid, form government on May 12th.


This survey tells me that the BC NDP do not have a plan for BC and voters, both in the Cariboo-Chilcotin Electoral District and BC generally, should not vote for the BC NDP but for the BC Liberals' on May 12th

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