Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Committee of the Whole Meeting (WL Council) - Tuesday, March 31st


Mayor Cook and Councillors T.C. Barr, G. W. Bourdon (arrived at 6:31pm), N.L. Montoya, SPS Rathor, L. Walters and S.J. Zacharias

Staff Present:

A. DeFeo - CAO (Chief Administrative Officer)
B. Carruthers - GM of Community Services
G. Goodall - GM of Planning and Operations
D. Lazzarin - GM of Financial Services
A. Burill - Manager, Social Planning (left meeting at 6:48pm)
L. Dragowska - Planner (left meeting at 6:49pm)
A. Madrigga - Manager, Economic Development (left meeting at 7:20pm)
C. Bouchard - Records Management Coordinator, Corporate Services Department

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm

Minutes of last Committee of the Whole were adopted


Laura McKay/Tom Lancaster - Powerpoint Presentation (17 mins) on the development of a ICSP (Integrated Community Sustainability Plan) and review of the City's OCP (Official Community Plan). The PowerPoint Presentation is here

A1 - Support for "Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods" Legislation - Whalley Enhancement Association

Moved by Councillor Rathor
Seconded by Councillor Walters:

THAT the Committee of the Whole recommends to Council:

"That Council encourage the Government of British Columbia to adopt “Safer Communities and Neighborhoods” legislation, modeled after the Province of Alberta’s legislation, in order to address the public disorder and neighborhood deterioration caused by illicit drug houses, problem addresses and the issues associated with them; and further that the Union of BC Municipalities be so advised of this resolution"

F1 - 2009 Fee-for-Service Contracts

Moved by Councillor Barr
Seconded by Councillor Rathor

THAT the Committee of the Whole recommends to Council:

"That 2009 Fee-for-Service Contracts remain at 2008 Funded levels"

D1 - Future Use of Fire Hall - Community Arts Council

Moved by Councillor Rathor
Seconded by Councillor Bourdon

THAT the Committee of the Whole recommends to Council:

"That Council confirm the intention to make the existing Fire Hall available to the Community Arts Council upon it being vacated by the Fire Department and further, Staff report back to the Committee of the Whole on funding options and costs associated with converting the building to a Community Arts facility"

Portfolio Updates:

Councillors Barr, Bourdon, Montoya and Walters reported on activities on-going in their Portfolios

The meeting adjourned at 7:55pm to resume In-Camera for Budget Discussions

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