Wednesday, April 8, 2009

City of WL 2009 Budget

As I've already pointed out in my WL Council Meeting Report, WL Council has agreed in principle to the 2009 Budget, which calls for a 2.5% tax hike across tax classes for 2009 and 5.0% in years 2010-2013

At a time when Council agreed to suspend the 50% rate increase for water/sewer rates for 2009, it would be at the height of hypocrisy to hike property taxes across all classes by 2.5% for 2009. As the old saying goes, Council would be giving with one hand and taking with the other

Also, when Council suggests that the additional $26 could be made up, either by having 1 less dinner out night or cutting back on Tim Hortons' coffee/muffin deals for a year, is irresponsible and frankly insensitive to those who have cut out these pleasures and spent their savings trying to survive in these difficult economic times. Also, try telling that to seniors' who already make some pretty tough choices between food and the medicines they need to maintain their good health.

So, again - the Public Input Session for the 2009 City of Williams Lake Budget is on Tuesday, April 14th, 2009 at 7:00pm in Council Chambers. If you don't think you can afford any more property tax hikes for 2009, this is your one and only opportunity to tell Council, prior to Council adopting both the 2009 Budget/5 Year Financial Plan for 2009-2013

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