Wednesday, April 8, 2009

WL Council Meeting Report - Tuesday, April 7th

Present - Mayor Cook with Councillors Rathor, Montoya, Barr, Walters, Bourdon and Zacharias

Staff Present:

Alberto DeFeo, CAO
Darcy Lazzarin, GM of Corporate Services
Geoff Goodall, GM of Planning and Operations
Brian Carruthers, GM of Community Services
Tom Chung, IT Manager
Cindy Bouchard, Records Coordinator, Corporate Services Department

Meeting called to order at 7:30pm

Minutes of March 24th meeting were adopted

2 Delegations:

1) Keaton Carruthers (son of Brian Carruthers) played 2 songs for Council on his violin
2) Charlie Wyse, MLA for Cariboo-South advised Council of two issues that his office was working on:

i) NAV Canada proposal to delete FSS (Flight Service Station) services at WL Regional Airport - meeting today with regional stakeholders to discuss the issues involved and decide next steps

ii) 2nd Floor Redevelopment at Cariboo Memorial Hospital - Council to follow-up for further action

Council Business:

1) 2009-2013 Financial Plan

Council agreed to the following unanimously:

a) That the 2009-2013 Financial Plan be sent to a Public Input Session on Tuesday, April 14th, 2009 at 7:00pm in Council Chambers

b) That Staff be authorized to Amend Council Policy #84 (Appropriation of Surplus) to increase the minimum surplus in the General Fund from $300,000 to $400,000

c) From May 1st to December 31st, 2009 - Council roll back the cost of living increase to its' pay that it received on January 1st

d) Staff be requested to bring forward a report on options how Council can have a more inclusive Budgeting Process including adopting the Financial Plan earlier in the fiscal year

However, Council agreed by a 6-1 Vote (Councillor Rathor opposed) to give 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Reading to Bylaw #2096 - Williams Lake Financial Plan for Years 2009-2013

2) Re-Allocation of Funding for a Data Entry Clerk for remainder of 2009 at local RCMP Detachment

Council agreed to re-allocate $42,000 for a Data Clerk position for the period of April - December 2009

3) Canada Day Celebrations

Council agreed to give Karen Roberts/Nancy Giesbrecht $650 for Canada Day celebrations with a request that they apply for a Grant-in-Aide for the 2010 Celebrations

4) Aviator Hotel - New DP (Development Permit) and DVP (Development Variance Permit)

Council agreed to rescind DP #10-2008 and asked Staff to distribute notice on intent to adopt DVP #02-2009 and DP #01-2009 at the April 21st Council meeting to those living within 100 Metres of the Aviator Hotel property. The public will given an opportunity to comment on DVP #01-2009 and DP #02-2009, prior to Council considering to adopt DP #02-2009 and DVP #01-2009 at its' April 21st meeting. These applications will be forwarded to the Advisory Planning Commission for comment as well

5) Bylaws for Adoption:

Council agreed to adopt the following Bylaws:

i) Bylaw #2054 (StarCom Developments)
ii) Bylaw #2084 (Dairy Queen)

6) Fee for Service Contracts for 2009

Council agreed to approve the following Fee for Service contracts for 2009.

NOOPA (Boys & Girls Club)

$ 15,000

Stampede Parade Committee

$ 5,000

WL Stampede Association (Queens)

$ 5,000

Big Brothers & Big Sisters of WL

$ 15,000

Cariboo Chilcotin Hospice Palliative Care Society

$ 16,900

Community Policing Committee

$ 15,000

Scout Island Nature Centre

$ 12,500

Station House Gallery

$ 4,500

WL Harvest Fair

$ 2,500

Youth for Christ

$ 5,000

WL Stampede Association

$ 25,000

Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society

$ 38,600



7) Future Use of Fire Hall - Community Arts Council

Council agreed to confirm its intention to make the existing Fire Hall available to the Community Arts Council upon it being vacated by the Fire Department with the understanding that renovations to the building are subject to obtaining necessary funding and Staff report back on costs and options associated with converting the building to a Community Arts facility

8) Correspendence:

The following letters were received and the request contained therein were approved by Council:

a) Approval be given for Special Occasion Liquor Licenses on June 26, 27, 28 and 29 at the Stampede Grounds, pursuant to City Policy and subject to RCMP approval; and further, the Stampede Association be advised the City has no jurisdiction for the Williams Lake Curling Club

b) Permission be given for the 2009 Graduation Class Parade on June 6, 2009 between 6:30 and 8:00 PM, along the route as outlined, subject to RCMP approval; and further, Emergency Services be so advised

Future Meetings:

April 14th at 7:00pm - Public Input Session on 2009 Budget

April 21st at 7:30pm - Regular Council Meeting

Both of these meetings are in Council Chambers (450 Mart Street)

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