Wednesday, June 24, 2009

An Apology

To all those who monitor my blog, I'm sorry that I've haven't been keeping up on my blog posting. My grandfather has been ill for sometime now and I've been up to see him once a day to see how he's doing. But I promise to keep up on my blog entry

A friendly reminder that the 83rd Annual WL Stampede starts Friday morning with the usual breakfasts put on by the local service clubs (Knights of Columbus, Daybreak Rotary, etc) with the 1st Rodeo Performance starting at 6pm at the Stampede Grounds and many other events in the City taking place from Friday, June 26th until Monday June 29th. The WL Stampede is a family-friendly event and I encourage everyone to take some time to take in some of the events that take place over the 4 days. A reminder as well that on Saturday, June 27th, the WL Stampede Parade also takes place and shouldn't be missed

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