Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Executive Council (Cabinet) of BC - 39th Parliament of BC

The new Executive Council, or Cabinet, of British Columbia is:

Hon. Gordon Campbell - Premier/President of the Executive Council
Hon. Colin Hansen - Deputy Premier/Minister of Finance
Hon. Kash Heed - Solicitor General
Hon. George Abbott - Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation
Hon. Kevin Falcon - Minister of Health Services
Hon. Rich Coleman - Minister of Housing
Hon. Moira Stilwell - Minister of Advanced Education & Labour Market Development
Hon. Pat Bell - Minister of Forests and Range
Hon. Shirley Bond - Minister of Transportation
Hon. Mary Polak - Minister of Children and Family Development
Hon. Bill Bennett - Minister of Community and Rural Development
Hon. Ben Stewart - Minister of Citizens' Services
Hon. Margaret MacDiarmid - Minister of Education
Hon. Blair Lekstrom - Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Products
Hon. Randy Hawes - Minister of State - Mining
Hon. Barry Penner - Minister of the Environment
Hon. John Yap - Minister of State - Climate Action

Hon. Mike de Jong – Attorney General/Government House Leader

Hon. Iain Black – Minister of Small Business, Economic Development and Technology

Hon. Steve Thomas – Minister of Agriculture and Lands

Hon. Ida Chong - Minister of Healthy Living and Sport

Hon. Murray Coell – Minister of Labour

Hon. Mary McNeil – Minister of State (ActNowBC/Olympics)

Hon. Kevin Krueger – Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts

Hon. Naomi Yamamoto –Minister of State (Intergovernmental Relations)

Parliamentary Secretaries:

i) Donna Barnett (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Community and Rural Development (Pine Beetle Community Recovery)

ii) Terry Lake (Kamloops-North Thompson) - Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture and Lands (Ranching Task Force)

iii) John Rustad (Nechako Lakes) - Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Forests and Range (Silviculture)

iv) Dave Hayer (Surrey-Tynehead) - Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Citizens' Services (Multiculturalism)

v) Richard T. Lee (Burnaby-North) - Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Small Business, Technology and Ecomomic Development (Asia-Pacific Initiative)

vi) John Slater (Boundary-Similkameen) - Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of the Enviroment (Water Supply/Allocation)


Government House Leader - Hon. Mike de Jong

Deputy Government House Leader - Hon. George Abbott

The BC Liberals' will re-nominate Bill Barisoff for Speaker and nominate Linda Reid for Deputy Speaker

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