Tuesday, July 14, 2009

City of WL Council Meeting Highlights - Tuesday, July 14th

Present: Councillor G. Bourdon (Acting Mayor + Chair), Councillors SPS Rathor, N. Montoya (for portions of the meeting), T. Barr, L. Walters

Absent: Mayor K. Cook

Meeting called to order at 7:30pm


1) Acting Mayor G. Bourdon presented a "Community Spirit Award" to the WL and District Credit Union for all of their community work

2) Brenda Beatson from the Winter Lights Committee presented Council with an update as to what the Committee has been up to and then presented Council with 4 awards from the National Winter Lights Committee

3) Anna Dell gave a brief presentation to Council on her bid to become the next BC Ambassador
Council agreed to provide her with City material (City Flag, pins, etc) to help her in her campaign


1) DP #3-2009 and DVP #3-2009 (Dr. Rudy Wasenaar) were approved

2) Bylaw #2099, 2009 was given 3rd Reading (this Bylaw was subject to a Public Hearing held earlier in the evening at 7:00pm). As the subject property is within 800 metres of a highway (Highway #97 South), approval of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrascture of this Bylaw is required. If Ministry consent to Bylaw #2099 of 2009 is received, Council may adopt the Bylaw at its' next meeting on July 28th

3) Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading to Bylaw #2092, which if adopted, will dissolve the Downtown Parking Commission. A letter from the WL BIA was received on this subject and Councillor Rathor, as Chair of the Public Works Portfolio, will meet with the BIA to hear their concerns on dissolving the Downtown Parking Commission.

4) Council will write a letter of support for an application by the local Steelworkers' union to establish a local program, for union/non-union workers for training needs. The District of 100 Mile House has already provided a letter of support for this program and the City of Quesnel Council will be requested to provide a letter of support for the same program

Council adjourned at 8:15pm

The next Council meeting is Tuesday, July 28th, 2009 at 7:30pm

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