Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CRD Board Highlights - July 10th


Chair A. Richmond with Directors T. Armstrong, R. Faust, J. Massier, D. Bischoff, S. Mazur, D. Barnett, A. Dumaresq, J. Glassford, R. Mumford, B. Rattray, M. Sjostrom, M. Campsall and Alternate Director SPS Rathor (City of WL)


Directors A. Bracewell (Area 'J') and J. Vermette (District of Wells)

Meeting called to order at 9:45am

Major Highlights

1) Board to receive the Waste to Energy Report at its' August meeting. The Chair noted that the contractor might not receive future CRD Business given the amount of time taken to put together this report

2) The Board received a late report from Mitch Minchau (CRD Enviromental Services Manager) regarding the need to expand the garbage liner at the Gibraltar landfill site at a cost of $214, 164. After a considerable amount of debate among Directors' including why the Board wasn't told sooner of this problem, the Board authorized $100,000 for this project. Several Directors including Directors Deb Bischoff, Bruce Rattray, Art Dumaresq and Duncan Barnett voted against the motion

3) A Solid Waste Review Committee was formed. The Committee members will be:

CRD Directors: A. Bracewell (Area 'J'), D. Barnett (Area 'F'), B. Rattray (Area 'L')
City of WL Councillor SPS Rathor, District of 100 Mile Councillor D. Mingo

Alternate Members: Directors D. Bischoff (Area 'D'), R. Mumford (Area 'K')

4) Volunteer Firefighters to receive a pay increase of up to $120/day for training purposes

5) The CRD Board will be meeting with a number of Cabinet Ministers at UBCM this fall including Minister Bennett (Community Development), Minister Bond (Transportation and Infrastructure), Minister Bell (Forests and Range) among others

6) The Cheque Register for May 2009 was received/ratified with Director D. Barnett voting against ratifying the May 2009 Cheque Register

7) The Board established September 26th as the referendum date to establish a new fire protection service for the Williams Lake Fringe Area (Phase 2) Fire Protection Area. Public Meetings to occur in July/September. Watch for ads in your local papers. The 1st Meeting is on Thursday, July 16th at 7:00pm in Williams Lake City Hall - Council Chambers. I encourage all members in Areas D+E to attend these meetings and then vote in favour to establish this service

8) The Board adopted a new Policy around Bonding for Capital Construction Projects

9) The Board adopted 4 Recommendations from its' June 18th Strategic Planning Session.

10) A Number of Recommendations were endorsed by the Board from sub-regional caucuses or Joint Committees

11) The Board also received a delegation of 100 Mile Director + Mayor Mitch Campsall and David Zirnhelt regarding an Agriculture Enterprise Development Center Fesability Study. The Board authorized a letter of support endorsing this project.

The Board then adjourned at 2:55pm

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