Thursday, August 6, 2009

Arts and Culture Function and a Flawed Process

In today's Tribune, letter writer Brad McGuire, who's President of the local Studio Theatre Society takes aim at my letter of August 4th when I expressed serious concerns as a result of the press release of the Cariboo Regional District dated July 31st, 2009 entitled "Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Service Delivery Plan - Consultation Meeting Schedule and some of the statements contained therein

Some of Mr. McGuire's comments include:

* He is completely incorrect in his statement suggesting that Mrs. Walters was not in attendance at any arts and culture focused town hall meetings between 2007 and 2009, when, in fact, she was. - The CRD/City of WL hosts a Joint Town Hall meeting in February of each year to discuss the CRD's Budget and its' intention for local government programs in each year and not in 2007 to 2009 inclusive did I personally see Councillor Walters in Council Chambers, as a City resident, telling the CRD about its' budget and what she wants to see the CRD do as a local government for rural residents' in the future on Arts and Culture or any other subject

* It seems that Mr. Forseth just wants to be the devil’s advocate, putting a negative spin into every possible event or process in which any form of government is involved - I've never opposed any project that has gone through proper public consultation that meets the "smell" test and that is open, transparent and democratic. In this case, public consultation done in the summer and by a group who originally asked for the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function does not meet the test I've laid - it is neither transparent, open and democratic

I understand that the local Arts and Culture community does not like or agree with my position on the newly established Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function but I have no intention of backing down on this subject or any other project in which Public Consultation, in whatever form it takes, is neither open, transparent or democratic. That is the minimum I require for Public Consultation to be accepted prior to having a tax in place or a project to proceed to completion

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