Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Committee of the Whole Meeting - August 18th

Committee of the Whole Proceedings

Present: All Members of WL Council

Staff Present: Alberto DeFeo (CAO), Brian Carruthers (GM of Community Services), Geoff Goodall (GM of Planning and Operations), Darcy Lazzarin (GM of Corporate Services), Cindy Bouchard (Corporate Services - Records Management Coordinator)

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm

Minutes from the COW Meeting of August 4th approved

Delegation - Council of Canadians (CoC)

The CoC presented information about the CoC and some of the things they were concerned about including:

1) Council support for Water Advisory Committee, Sustainability Committee and the Social Planning Council (For the record - only the Water Advisory Committee reports directly to Council, the Sustainability Committee reports directly to the Central Cariboo Joint Committee - the Joint Committee is made up of all 7 members of WL City Council + Directors' for CRD Areas D, E, F, J, K) and the Social Planning Council is a "community" Committee

2) Council support for Prosperity Mine and the information they used to evaluate their decision

3) Council's work to investigate a separate water source for industry - perhaps making it a higher priority

Also, the CoC presented Council members' with 8 Questions to be answered

The Delegation left at 7:30pm

Council received a report from the CAO re: Best Practices to City Operations. The CAO intends to bring forward 2 Reports (1 to Council and 1 to COW) over the next few weeks

Council received a report from the GM of Corporate Services regarding Interim Financial Statements for the period of Jan 1 - June 30. 2 Projects are over budget but the financial position of the City remains strong

Council received a report from the GM of Corporate Services regarding Budget Public Consultation Guidelines. Council directed Staff to include public consultation on initial budget requests in November in each year (I'll be blogging on this report and why I believe Council's decision on this is wrong)

Councillors' gave verbal updates on Portfolio Activities

Committee of the Whole adjourned to re-convene In-Camera, pursuant to Section 90(1a) of the Community Charter

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