Monday, September 21, 2009

City of Quesnel COW Meeting Highlights + Public Hearing (Permissive Property Tax Exemption Bylaws for years 2010-2012)

Meeting started at 7:00pm

Members Present: Mayor M. Sjostrom and Councillors' Roodenburg, Thapar, Paull, Couldwell and Oakes

Members Absent: Councillor M. Cave

Public Hearing (Permissive Property Tax Exemption for 2010-2012)

Mayor M. Sjostrom read aloud a Statement explaining the purpose and procedure of the Public Hearing on the Bylaws

The Director of Finance (K. Bolton) reviewed history on the Bylaws

The Deputy City Manager (L. Scott) reviewed 2 pieces of written correspondence received to date on the Bylaws with members of Quesnel Council

Mayor M. Sjostrom then called for oral submissions from the Public Gallery

Oral Submissions:

Denise Mufford (Quesnel Hotel) explained she had consulted with a number of local governments in BC on permissive property tax exemptions issued including PG, Kamloops and Williams Lake. She further explained that she is looking for equal fairness

Quesnel Curling Club reviewed the history on their permissive property tax file and asked Quesnel Council to reconsider the permissive property tax exemption based on a wide number of factors including loss of gaming grants and a growing need to deal with capital projects. They also reviewed the benefits of the Quesnel Curling Club to the community.

Questions from Council to the Quesnel Curling Club included: approaching the CRD (Cariboo Regional District) and amount of Gaming Grants they receive and use of the Curling Rink during the off-season

Ray Daggett from Quesnel Seniors' Society made a presentation requesting an increase of their property tax exemption from 90% to 100%. He explained the rationale for their request including a downturn in the local economy. He noted a number of groups in Quesnel get a discounted rate for rental fees including the City of Quesnel

The Local Royal Canadian Legion requested Council to grant a 100% exemption to their Property Tax Exemption. They further explained/clairified their tax status and all the good works they do in the City of Quesnel.

The Public Hearing was then adjourned at 7:35pm

Committee of the Whole Session - started at 7:41pm

1) Downtown Beautification projects - City Planner T. Turner reviewed her report with members of the Committee. All projects that will have the Development Permit requirements waived are within the Quesnel Downtown BIA except 1 business doing a mural in the South Quesnel area, due to a grant received by the Quesnel Downtown BIA.

Report received and Council gave its' approval to the City Planner to proceed, as per her oral/written report

2) UBCM Preparations - Mayor Sjostrom reviewed her memo with members of the Committee.

Council reviewed 3 UBCM Resolutions to go forward to the UBCM Convention. Mayor Sjostrom asked Council to review their Agendas when they arrive at the UBCM Convention. Discussion included different meetings' that were established at the UBCM Convention and where Mayor/Councillors' would be at the UBCM Convention. A special note was made that Mayor Sjostrom had an open invitation to any Councillor who wanted to sit in on a meeting could.

Meeting adjourned at 8:16pm to a Special Closed Meeting of Quesnel Council

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