Sunday, September 20, 2009

Process to Hire new CAO - City of Williams Lake

On Thursday, September 17th, 2009 - The City of Williams Lake issued a press release advising that Brian Carruthers had been appointed as the City's new CAO (Chief Administrative Officer) effective October 5th, 2009. Council's decision on the appointment of the new CAO was unanimous. It was noted as well that Brian Carruthers former position of General Manager of Community Services will not be filled at this time. I believe that Brian Carruthers will do a good job as the City's new CAO

I firmly believe, with the CAO being a senior executive position, and with the evidence available to date, Council's decision not to advertise this position externally is an insult to taxpayers. The salary for the CAO position in the City of Williams Lake, I'm told, is in excess of $100,000 plus benefits and expenses. Given the size of the CAO Salary, taxpayers' are entitled to be ensured that this particular salary is being paid to an individual who is fully qualified to be CAO of this City and also ensuring that the CAO position was filled using a competition-based process. I believe you will find that most senior executive positions are filled by way of a competition-based process in the private sector and with most local governments in BC

The appointment of the new CAO here in Williams Lake, I believe, demonstrates a lack of business experience by Mayor Kerry Cook as she leads Council and is supposed to provide leadership to Council directly on personnel matters and other matters as well

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