Thursday, October 29, 2009

Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting - Oct 29th

Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting – October 29th (Meeting held in Committee Room #1 – WL City Hall)

Present from City of WL:

Mayor K. Cook (Joint Committee Co-Chair), Deputy Mayor SPS Rathor and Councillors L. Walters, and S. Zacharias

Present from CRD:

Directors D. Bischoff (Joint Committee Co-Chair), S. Mazur, D. Barnett, R. Mumford and Area ‘D’ Alternate Director John Andrews

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers – CAO, City of WL
Janis Bell – CAO, CRD
Darron Campbell – Manger of Community Services, CRD
Geoff Paynton – Director of Community Services, City of WL


City of WL Councillors Tom Barr, Natalie Montoya, Geoff Bourdon

Meeting called to order at 5:00pm by Committee Co-Chair K. Cook


By Consensus – Minutes of last Joint Committee be adopted

Fees and Charges Bylaw:

The City of WL Director of Recreation Services reviewed his report with the Joint Committee

By Consensus – That the Joint Committee approves the proposed changes to the Fees & Charges Bylaw effective January 1, 2010

2010 Business, Capital and Financial Plans – Central Cariboo Recreation Function

The CRD Manager of Community Services reviewed the Business, Capital and Financial Plans for the Central Cariboo Recreation Function with the Joint Committee

Questions included:

• Community Gym, new Marie Sharpe Elementary School. Financial contribution of $750,000 to be carried forward in 2010 until such time that the new Marie Sharpe Elementary School project begins
• Museum of Cariboo-Chilcotin financial contribution to be transferred to Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function

By Consensus – That the Business, Capital and Financial Plans for the Central Cariboo Recreation Function for 2010 be endorsed

Waiver of Fees for Gibraltar Room – Royal Canadian Legion

The City of WL CAO reviewed the history of this file with the Joint Committee

By Consensus – Royal Canadian Legion be granted a waiver of fees for use of the Gibraltar Room for the Remembrance Day ceremony on November 11th, 2009 and that use of the Gibraltar Room for Remembrance Day ceremonies be included in the Fees and Charges Bylaw

Central Cariboo Recreation Function Contribution to the Parks, Trails & Outdoor
Recreation Master Plan

The CRD Manager of Community Services reviewed his report with the Joint Committee

Questions included:

• Boundary of Central Cariboo Recreation Function (Councillor Walters)

By Consensus – That the Joint Committee support Parks, Trails and & Outdoor Recreation Master Plan

Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee – Change to Terms of Reference

The City of WL Director of Recreation Services reviewed his report with the Joint Committee

Questions included:

• Use current membership numbers to add youth to the Committee (Councillor Rathor)

By Consensus – Joint Committee agrees to extend the number of members of the Committee from nine to eleven. Membership to include one Youth and one First Nations

Meeting Schedule for 2010 – Central Cariboo Joint Committee

By Consensus – Meeting schedule be endorsed

Grants-in-Aide for 2010 – City of Williams Lake and CRD Electoral Areas D, E, F

The City of WL CAO reviewed the spreadsheet for all Grants-in-Aide applications in the City of Williams Lake & CRD Electoral Areas D, E, F

Questions included:

• Community Arts Council Grant-in-Aide, move to Arts and Culture Function for 2010? (Councillor Zacharias). Staff advised that it would be inappropriate, at this time, as the Arts and Culture Function Budget is not properly set-up at this point

• BC Cattlemen Association, increase Grant-in-Aide (Director Barnett)

• Grant-in-Aid recipients should report out on use of Grant-in-Aide (Director Bischoff, Mayor Cook)

By Consensus –

That the spreadsheet of Grant-in-Aide amounts from City /CRD be endorsed

And the remaining Grant-in-Aid money be held in trust with the City

6:00pm Delegation - Service Delivery Plan for Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function:

Jill Zimonick from Stonefield Consulting regarding the Draft Service Delivery Plan for the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function

Ms. Zimonick gave a PowerPoint presentation, which included:

• Consultation Process
• Key Findings
• Recommended Delivery Model
• Recommendations & Implementation

Questions from Joint Committee included:

• Presentation of Service Delivery Plan to public & clarification of concern from public re: Director of Arts and Culture working for City of WL or CRD (Director Bischoff)

• Concern about 1st Year Proposed Budget (Mayor Cook)

• Composition of Advisory Committee / new Arts and Culture “Group” (Director Mazur)

CRD Manager of Community Services reviewed his report with Joint Committee members

Director Bischoff left the meeting at 7:00pm
Director Mazur left the meeting at 7:07pm

By Consensus -

1) Draft Service Delivery Plan be received
2) Public Review Period to commence including a Town Hall Meeting being scheduled & Media Release being issued
3) $50,000 to be included in 2010 Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function Budget for City of WL Fire Hall renovation

By Consensus –

That the meeting adjourn and reconvene In-Camera

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