Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Grant-in-Aide Process - City of Williams Lake

Last night, WL City Councillor Geoff Bourdon suggested that the definition of "non-profit" should be tightened in light of Grant-in-Aide applications from WL Curling Club, WL Golf and Country Club and WL Indoor Rodeo and the fact that these organizations have the ability to raise revenues to cover costs (capital)

I support his views on the above and certainly, taxpayers' dollars should go to those "true" non-profits who don't have the ability to raise revenues while providing a service to both the City and the Central Cariboo Region

Also, Council agreed to give a $3,500 Grant-in-Aide to the Community Arts Council. This $3500 Grant is required to get the matching $3500 from the Province. However, given that the Community Arts Council financial competency has been, for the moment, called into question and that the fact the RCMP are reviewing the Community Arts Council's Financial Statements, they should have not gotten the Grant-in-Aide for 2010, but instead their Grant-in-Aide application should have been considered for 2011 but with the money coming from the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function's Budget, thereby leaving more money available for true non-profits who do good works in our community

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