Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Committee of the Whole (WL Council) Highlights - Oct 27th

WL Committee of the Whole Highlights – October 27th, 2009 (Meeting held in Committee Room #1 – WL City Hall)


Mayor Cook, Deputy Mayor Rathor and Councillors Montoya, Walters, Zacharias and Bourdon


Councillor Tom Barr

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers – CAO
Cindy Bouchard – Corporate Services Records Management Coordinator
Geoff Paynton – Director of Community Services
Anne Burill – Social Development Manager
Darcy Lazzarin – General Manager of Corporate Services
Lilliana Dragowska – City Planner
Geoff Goodall – General Manager of Planning & Operations

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm

The Committee adopted the minutes of the October 13th, 2009 Committee of the Whole Meeting

1) The Committee reviewed the 3rd Quarter Report and the followed was noted:

• CAO, General Manager of Corporate Services and the General Manager of Planning & Operations reviewed the 3rd Quarter Report with the Committee including the Budget Cycle process, financials for the 3rd Quarter of the 2009 Fiscal Year, Objectives & Highlights for the 3rd Quarter, Council Action Tracking List, 2009 Capital List with some projects to be carried over to 2010, work on-going on various other capital projects in the City with some to be referred to the 2010 Budget Process including Pinchbeck Street.

• Committee members’ asked a number of questions related to the 3rd Quarter Report including status of 2009 Capital Projects in the City and other City initiatives

The Committee agreed to receive the 3rd Quarter Report and that Staff be congratulated on the Report

2) The Committee reviewed 2010 Grant-in-Aide applications

• The General Manager of Corporate Services reviewed Council’s applicable policy and guidelines on Grants-in-Aids with the Committee

• The Committee reviewed a 2010 Grant-in-Aide Spreadsheet for approval up to $35,000 with recommendations to be forwarded to the Thursday, October 29th Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting. General Discussion then ensued by Committee members’ on specific applications.

Councillor Bourdon commented that perhaps the definition of “Non-Profit” should be tightened in view of the Grant-in-Aid application from the WL Golf and Country Club/WL Curling Club; also, he doesn’t support a Grant-in-Aid to the WL Indoor Rodeo as they have the ability to increase revenue. Councillor Zacharias commented that perhaps youth fees at Golf Course & Curling Club should be subsided in the name of “Crime Prevention”. In addition, she doesn’t support a Grant-in-Aide to the WL Stampede Association

City Spreadsheet for 2010 Grant-in-Aid to be forwarded to Thursday, October 29th Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting for consideration of Central Cariboo Grants-in-Aide for 2010

The Committee received the Spreadsheet
The Committee asked Staff to bring forward the Grant-in-Aide Policy for review prior to April of 2010

3) The Committee reviewed a report from the Manager of Social Development & Planner regarding ICSP (Integrated Community Sustainability Plan) - Sustainability Principles and Charter of Sustainability:

• The Manager of Social Development & City Planner reviewed this report with the Committee.

The Committee recommended to Council that it adopt both the Sustainability Principles and the Charter of Sustainability

4) The Committee reviewed a report from the Manager of Social Development regarding Cariboo Lodge Kitchen Equipment Allocations:

Mayor Cook declared a conflict and left the Committee Room at 8:08pm and Acting Mayor Sue Zacharias took the Chair

• Councillor Montoya reviewed actions on this report from Portfolio

The Committee recommended to Council:

That Council allocate the kitchen equipment from Cariboo Lodge as follows:

Salvation Army:
• Commercial Dishwasher,
• Garland Range,
• Exhaust Hood,
• One (1) Walk In Cooler

Food Policy Council:

• Stainless Working Area,
• One (1) Walk-in cooler

Camp Likely:

• Stainless Steel Working Area,
• Bakers Pride Oven,
• Built In Shelving

And further Staff be requested to look into “Right of First Refusal” Policy on equipment not to be used by Salvation Army, Food Policy Council or Camp Likely

Mayor Cook resumed the Chair at 8:16pm

The Committee adjourned at 8:17 pm with the Committee to reconvene In-Camera

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