Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Steve Rant - Another In-Camera Meeting (Committee of the Whole)

Tonight, WL Council met in Committee of the Whole and yet again, the Committee was required to meet In-Camera. However, there was not even the mere courtesy of providing written notice to the public in the Public Meeting Notice Board (located in the 1st Floor foyer area at City Hall) of Council's intent to meet In-Camera following adjournment of the "public" Committee of the Whole meeting or even orally announcing at the beginning of the meeting that the Committee would meet In-Camera and specify which sub-section of Section 90(1) of the Community Charter would be invoked to close the meeting to the public

These sort of actions tend to breed a lack of confidence in the local government and more to the point, a local government which prides itself on being open and transparent.

This is not the first time that this has occured at City Hall, under this Council, and unfortunately it probably won't be the last

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