Monday, October 12, 2009

Steve Rant - Contacting Elected Officials

Recently, I've emailed Mayor Cook and City Councillors' on a variety of subjects and I must say with the exception of City Councillors Geoff Bourdon and Surinder Rathor and the CRD Area 'D' Director (Deb Bischoff), the rest seem to feel that communication between the electorate and local elected officials is a one-way street

When one is elected to office, returning emails, letters and phone calls is part of one's duty being either the Mayor, a City Councillor or a CRD Electoral Area Director and usually it is poor practice to receive an email, phone call or letter without acknowledging receipt

If I'm elected in 2011, I intend to bring forward a policy requiring that emails, phone calls or letters be responded to in a certain amount of time (ie: emails/letters within 1 business day and phone calls within 4 hours)

This is the minimum that elected officials should do to ensure that they are serving the electorate as much as possible and not elected officials serving themselves with the office to which they were elected to and the perks that come along with that office

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