Monday, October 12, 2009

Steve Rant - City and CRD Documents

Recently, the City of Williams Lake updated its' Community Profile report and it contained a number of errors that should have been corrected before being published. Such errors included:

1) Date of last and next Local Government Election
2) Who the Chair of the Cariboo Regional District was
3) Who the Chair, Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer of the School District were

If we want to progress as a region, we need to ensure all of our documents are top-notch and are factual as much as possible. A two minute call to both the Cariboo Regional District and School District offices as well as a City of WL Staff-peer review before publication would have ensured that the Community Profile report of the City was 100% factual

Meanwhile, over at the Cariboo Regional District, the Service Delivery Plan for the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function will now be presented at the October 29th meeting of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee (This meeting will be held in Committee Room #1 at WL City Hall, starting at 5pm). All 7 Members of WL City Council plus the CRD Directors for Areas D, E, and F will look over the report and recommend a course of action, to both Council and the CRD Board on this Plan and the future around the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function.

However, public consultations on a Service Delivery Plan for the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function took place during July and August of 2009 and as local tax dollars were used to pay a consultant to put together this Service Delivery Plan, an open and transparent local government would have ensured that this document (Service Delivery Plan) be subject to a 30-day public comment period, to which this document would have been posted to both the CRD and City of WL websites before the local politicians decide what to do with the Service Delivery Plan, having the benefit of knowing how the public feels on the Service Delivery Plan document.

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