Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Blog and City of WL Councillor Laurie Walters

Last night at the Committee of the Whole (WL Council) meeting, City of WL Councillor Laurie Walters expressed dissatisfaction with one of my earlier posts on my criticism of her and her fellow Councillor, Geoff Bourdon, leaving on Remembrance Day for their 10 day trip to China and the fact that the blog entry did not contain all the facts

A blog is defined as follows:

"a frequently updated personal journal chronicling links at a Web site, intended for public viewing"

Bloggers' are not journalists, per se, but are expected, generally speaking, to ensure that what they write is based upon facts, whether that is personal knowledge or that which is spoken in the mainstream media (local, provincial or national media including newspapers)

I try to blog on items to which I either have personal knowledge of the situation or take quotes from the newspaper/radio. There have been plenty of times when someone writes a letter to the editor to a newspaper on less than the full facts, with regard to a situation and a politician will object that they "didn't do their homework"

Councillor Walters and other politicians should realize that if they don't like what I write, then they can leave comments here, objecting to what I write. Many political blogs have this option. Even the Williams Lake Tribune now has an option for commenting on its' online articles

In the future, I would obviously encourage Councillor Walters and others to read my blog, if they choose to do so, and if they object to what I write, then they can feel free to leave a comment.

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