Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Committee of the Whole (WL Council) Highlights - Nov. 24th


Mayor Kerry Cook (Committee Chair) and Councillors Rathor, Bourdon, Montoya, Walters and Zacharias


Councillor Tom Barr

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers – CAO
Sue Moxey – Director of Corporate Services
Geoff Goodall – GM of Planning and Operations
Darcy Lazzarin – GM of Corporate Services (left meeting at 6:05pm)
Jeff Bernardy – City Engineering Technologist
Lilliana Dragowska – City Planner (entered meeting at 6:13pm, left meeting at 6:55pm)
Anne Burill – Social Development Manager (entered meeting at 6:13pm, left meeting at 6:55pm)

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm


Minutes of the October 27th/09 Committee of the Whole Meeting were adopted


1) Irene Willsie from Woman’s Contact Society – Purple Ribbon Campaign

• Reviewed with the Committee activities related to the Purple Ribbon Campaign including the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women on Monday, December 7th starting at 5:30pm at City Hall

A Question and Answer Period ensued with the delegation. Mayor Cook, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Ms. Willsie for appearing before the Committee.


F1 – Request from WL CBIA (Central Business Improvement Area) to reconsider funding Street Party 2010

The General Manager of Corporate Services reviewed the letter from WLCBIA and the 2010 Grant-in-Aid Process with the Committee.

Discussion ensued thereon

The Committee agreed to receive the letter from the WLCBIA and the WLCBIA request to re-consider their 2010 Grant-in-Aid application be supported and that this request be forwarded to the Joint Committee for consideration with a detailed budget from the WLCBIA on Street Party costs to be provided.

The Committee agreed to refer a request to Joint Committee on discussion for a “Joint Fee for Service” program (70/30 split) in the Central Cariboo Region

D2 - Prosperity Ridge Access Engineering Services

Discussion ensued thereon

The Committee agreed to recommend to Council –

“That Council authorize staff to retain TRUE Consulting Group for engineering services to develop road network improvement options necessary to provide a sufficient level of service to the Prosperity Ridge development at a cost of $25,000.”

Delegations, cont

6:30pm – Whistler Centre for Sustainability re: Item D1 (see below)

D1 – OCP Briefing on Greenhouse Gases & Energy Reduction

A Powerpoint Presentation ensued:

• Climate Action Charter – 3 Components
• Bill 27 & Responsibilities of Local Governments
• Bill 27 & Climate Action Charter

A Question and Answer Period ensued. Mayor Cook, on behalf of the Committee, thanked the delegation for appearing before the Committee

At 6:55pm, the meeting was recessed and with it resuming at 7:00pm in Council Chambers

7:00pm – Public Input Session on Section 5.6 (Prohibition on Parking & Placing of Other Material on Boulevards), Bylaw #2093, 2009 – Traffic Control Bylaw

D5 - Traffic Control Bylaw 2093 re Parking on Boulevards & Section 5.6 of Bylaw #2093, 2009

The Committee had before it a Staff Definition of “Boulevards” under Bylaw #2093, 2009, a letter sent to all residents’ on Bylaw #2093, 2009, a Media Release issued with regard to prohibition of parking on all boulevards in the City and 3 Letters from Jordan & Dorothy Bateman, Marianne Pitt, and Susan Hermanson on Bylaw #2093, 2009.

The Mayor then called for oral submissions from the Public Gallery

Ten people come forward to speak on the Bylaw

The Committee agreed to refer the oral/written submissions received on Bylaw #2093 to Staff, through Public Works and Development Services Portfolio, for a recommendation to Council

The Committee agreed to have the process reviewed, with regard to Regulatory Bylaws, through Public Works and Development Services Portfolio

The meeting then recessed for 5 minutes and resumed its’ meeting at 7:50pm in Committee Room #1

D3 – Water/Sewer to Dog Creek Road

The General Manager of Planning & Operations reviewed his report with the Committee

Discussion ensued thereon

The Committee agreed to recommend to Council -

“That Council approve in principle the request of the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) to explore
options of extending municipal water and sewer services to the Dog Creek Road area; and further

That Council authorize staff to work in conjunction with the CRD to explore infrastructure
extension possibilities.”

D4 – Water/Sewer to Woodland Drive

Mayor Cook declared a conflict of interest, as she is a resident of Woodland Drive. Acting Mayor Geoff Bourdon took the Chair

A Powerpoint Presentation took place, with questions being asked by Committee members during the presentation

The Committee agreed to recommend to Council –

“That Council approve retaining TRUE Consulting Group to complete preliminary design for
Option 1 of the sanitary proposal and Option 3 of the water proposal including installation of a
250mm diameter water main for future use for a cost of $64,430.00 plus GST; and further

That Council direct staff to investigate any funding opportunities that may be available for this
project; and further

That Council authorize staff to begin a public consultation process with affected property owners
on Woodland Drive”


The Committee adjourned at 8:40pm

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