Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday News Round-up

In your Williams Lake Tribune today:

  • TNG (Chilcotin National Gov't) is seeking to ensure that drilling near Scum Lake ceases this week - story is here
  • WL RCMP report on the circumstances of the death of an aboriginal man found in Boitanio Park last week - story is here
  • The Federal Environmental Assessment Office (the Panel) has granted the TNG confidentiality to its' documents that it submitted to the Panel, as part of the Federal Environment Assessment Review process for the Prosperity Mine proposal - story is here
  • The CRD held its' first of two open houses for Dog Creek Road residents, with regard to have a water only, sewer only or water/sewer systems for the Dog Creek Road and area residents - story is here

In other news:

  • WL Council, meeting in"Committee of the Whole", will meet at 5:30pm today to consider certain matters, including providing water and sewer services, to both Dog Creek Rd residents and residents' living on Woodland Drive and then reconvene at 7:00pm in Council Chambers to hear from the public with regard to Section 5.6 (Prohibition of Vehicles and Other Objects on Boulevards) of Bylaw #2093, 2009. Council has received 3 letters on Section 5.6 of Bylaw #2093 so far, expressing a contrary view as to how WL Council dealt with Bylaw #2093 earlier this year
  • Wal-Mart will be having their Grand Opening ceremonies at 7:15am on Wednesday, with the store being officially open to the general public at 8:00am. I'd encourage everyone to check it out if you get time Wednesday or in the days ahead
  • WL Council (except Councillor Tom Barr) and CRD Directors for Areas D, E, F will all be present at a meeting Wednesday evening at 7pm in Council Chambers to hear from the public, with regard to the new Service Delivery Plan for the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function. Please bring your questions for your elected officials on this Plan. The meeting will be moderated by Mike Simpson of the Fraser Basin Council

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