Sunday, November 1, 2009

Next Steps: Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function

At the Thursday, Oct 29th meeting of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee, Jill Zimonick from Stonefield Consulting presented the Service Delivery Plan for the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function

After Ms. Zimonick's presentation, Director Duncan Barnett (CRD Electoral Area 'F') and WL City Councillor Laurie Walters desired to receive/endorse-in-principle the Service Delivery Plan and then consult with Central Cariboo residents. This view met with stiff resistance from Mayor Cook, Deputy Mayor Rathor, CRD Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff and her alternate, John Andrews and so it should have. Consulting with the public on the Service Delivery Plan after you've endorsed it looks like you've made up your mind before talking with the public.

For Director Barnett to say there's no public controversy tells me, at this point, that both he and Councillor Walters have an Agenda and do not care to hear what the public has to say and quite frankly, they desire to invoke "closure" and git 'er done, no matter what the cost and no matter what the public has to say.

Finally, for Director Barnett to say at the last Area 'F' Election in the Fall of 2008 that he understands what integrity is but yet wants to ram a tax down Central Cariboo residents' throats demonstrates to me that he still doesn't understand the word "integrity" and desires not to demonstrate this - day in and day out. At this point, I feel sorry for residents' in Area 'F' who has a Director who serves himself but not his Area residents'

When the Town Hall meeting date and location are announced with regard to the Service Delivery Plan, I'll let you know


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