Tuesday, November 3, 2009

City of Quesnel Council Meeting - Monday, November 2nd, 2009

City of Quesnel Highlights – Nov 2/09 (Meeting held in Quesnel Council Chambers)


Mayor M. Sjostrom and Councillors L. Roodenburg, S. Thapar, R. Paull, P. Couldwell, C. Oakes and M. Cave

City Staff Present:

Byron Johnson – City Manager
Lori Scott – Deputy City Manager
Matt Wood – Communications Supervisor
Kari Bolton – Director of Finance
Jack Marsh – Director of Public Works & Engineering

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

Invocation (Opening Prayer) provided by Councillor C. Oakes

Council adopted the Agenda with 3 Late Items

Council adopted minutes of the September 19th Regular Meeting of Council

In-Camera Resolution ($50 / month for Technology Adjustment Expense effective Nov 1/09) from Closed Meeting of October 26th – received for information

Council and Committee Reports

1) Acting Mayor L. Roodenburg reported on Oct 26/09 Committee of the Whole Meeting.

Council agreed to approve the rates put forward in Administration Report 102/09 for inclusion in the revised Cemetery Bylaw to be brought to Council for 1st,2nd and 3rd Reading later this evening;

Further that Council agree to match the Cariboo Regional District capital contribution of $17,500 each year, to be put in a reserve for future capital work at the cemetery

2) Councillor Paull reported on Oct 14/09 meeting of Museum & Heritage Commission.

Council agreed to add the Keen family name to the list of names used in naming Quesnel streets and parks in recognition of contributions and long-time standing in the community and that the Museum and Heritage Commission bring forward other notable names to be added to the list of names when naming streets/parks in the City of Quesnel

3) Councillor Roodenburg reported on Communities in Bloom meetings held on Sept 22 & Oct 20/09.

Council agreed to adopt the Amended Terms of Reference for the Communities in Bloom Committee

4) Mayor Sjostrom reported on Oct 30/09 meeting of CRD Board.

• H1N1 issue discussed
• Presentation by Encorp Corp including depot in 100 Mile House and disappointment on Electronic Recycling file
• Dog Barking Policy Passed
• NAV Canada issued discussed
• Invasive Plant Bylaw Passed allowing City of Quesnel to participate in the Invasive Plant Management Function, by way of contract

5) Councillor Roodenburg reported on Oct 15/09 meeting of the North Cariboo Recreation Commission.

• Business arising out of the minutes to be discussed at next North Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting

City Staff Reports

1) Administration Report 103/09 - Equipment Disposal

Director of Public Works & Engineering reviewed his report with Council

Council agreed to dispose of seven Vehicles by way of “sealed bid” and one by way of Public Auction House, if the New Holland Loader does not sell for the upset price first

2) Administration Report 107/09 - City Website redevelopment and grant application

Communications Supervisor reviewed his report with Council

Council deferred consideration of Administration Report #107/09 until the next Committee of the Whole Meeting

3) Administration Report 105/09 - Travel Policy

Director of Finance reviewed her report with Council

Council agreed to remove the words “(where there is an overnight stay)” from the Draft Amended Travel Policy

Council agreed to adopt the Amended Travel Policy with the following Vote taking place:

Yeas – Mayor Sjostrom and Councillors Roodenburg, Thapar, Couldwell, Oakes and Cave
Nays – Councillor R. Paull

4) Administration Report 104/09 - Quesnel Kennel Club Rental of space at City Hall

City Manager reviewed his report with Council

Council agreed to approve the rental of the basement space to the Kennel Club on a trial basis, with Staff directed to send a letter to Library Staff informing them of the rental with the following Vote taking place:

Yeas – Mayor Sjostrom and Councillor Roodenburg, Paull, Couldwell and Cave
Nays – Councillors Thapar and Oakes

5) Administration Report 106/09 - Third Quarter Review

Director of Finance reviewed her report

Council agreed to receive this report for information

6) Cheque Listing from Account Payable Clerk

Council agreed to receive/ratify the Cheque Listing

7) LATE ITEM - Agenda Summary - Removal of notice of contravention

Deputy Corporate Administrator reviewed her report with Council

Council agreed to approve the recommendation of the Building Inspector that the notice of contravention of municipal building regulations be removed from title of the property described as Lot 1, District Lot 3974, Cariboo District, Plan 28156 (672 Racing Road, Quesnel, B. C.) as all outstanding conditions have been met.

Council Information Package (CIP):

Deputy City Manager reviewed items from the CIP with Council

Moved – Councillor Paull
Seconded – Councillor Thapar

“That a letter be forwarded to the Provincial Government opposing the implementation of the HST”

Mayor Sjostrom having called the question, the following vote took place

Yeas – Councillors Paull, Thapar, Cave
Nays - Mayor Sjostrom and Councillors Oakes, Couldwell, and Roodenburg


Council agreed to receive the CIP


1) Career Leap 2009

Council agreed to proclaim the week of Nov 2-9, 2009 as “Career Leap Week” in the City of Quesnel

2) Letter from United Aboriginal Housing Society - Affordable housing in Quesnel

Council agreed to receive the letter. Staff will communicate with the Society requesting clarification on their request for land

3) City of Quesnel Social Club - Annual Donation to Children’s' Christmas party

Council deferred the consideration of the contribution of $2,500 to this event to the next Committee of the Whole Meeting

4) West Quesnel Business Association (WQBA) - Concerns about Lewis/Anderson Intersection

Council agreed to write a letter to WBQA advising of City actions on this item. Councillor Roodenburg to meet with WQBA on Wednesday morning on this topic

5) Embassy of Japan - Request to promote JET program; Scholarship information

Council agreed to refer this item to UNBC/CNC for their information


Quesnel Council agreed to give first, second and third Reading to Quesnel Cemeteries Regulatory Bylaw # 1669 of 2009


Council Members’ provided information on events they attended in the City of Quesnel

Council adjourned at 8:56pm

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