Wednesday, November 4, 2009

WL Council Meeting Highlights - Nov 3rd, 2009

WL Council Highlights – Nov 3/09 Meeting (Meeting held in Williams Lake Council Chambers)

Present: Councillors T.C. Barr (Chair), Bourdon, Montoya, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Absent: Mayor Kerry Cook

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers – CAO
Sue Moxey – Director of Corporate Services
Lilliana Dragowska – City Planner
Randy Isfeld – Director of Protective Services
Tom Cheung – IT Manager

Meeting called to order at 7:30pm

Council approved the Minutes of the October 20thMeeting

Council approved 3 Late Items be added to the Agenda


1) 2 Presentations of “Community Spirit Awards” to the Restorative Justice Committee & Kiwanis Club of Williams Lake – Acting Mayor T.C. Barr presented certificates to members of the Kiwanis Club and Restorative Justice Committee members’ thanking them for their service to the community, on behalf of Mayor and Council

2) Sgt Warren Brown, WL RCMP Acting Staff-Sgt & Dave Dickson, Safer Communities Coordinator - RCMP Update:

• Crime Stats for 2009 to the end of October presented with downward trends evident in all categories except Robberies, which was up from 18 in October of 2008 to 20 in October of 2009. False Alarms up 3% year over year

• Review of Annual Performance Plan – year to date including review of four different goals comprising the Annual Performance Plan of the Williams Lake RCMP Detachment

• 26 members participate in Restorative Justice locally

• 50 members participate in Citizens on Patrol locally

• Review of Oct 19th Gang Workshop held in Council Chambers

• Operation: Red Nose to commence last Friday/Saturday in November


1) Meeting with Pat Bell (Minister of Forests) on Oct 13/09

Councillor Rathor commented on the CAO’s report by stating he is glad that the Provincial Government is attempting to lessen the forestry industry reliance on the American lumber market

Council agreed to receive his report for information

2) Pandemic Response & Control Plan

Council agreed to receive this Plan for information

3) Report of Councillor S. Zacharias re: 2009 UBCM Convention

Council agreed to received her report for information

4) Report of the Director of Protective Services – New Fire Hall

Council agreed to receive his report for information. Several Members of Council praised the progress on the new Fire Hall.

5) BC Lottery Corporation (BCLC) - Gaming Revenue and Proceeds Distributed to Non-Profit Organizations in Williams Lake – Report from Mayor Cook

The CAO reviewed Mayor Cook’s report with Council.

Council agreed to send a letter to the BC Lottery Corporation requesting that there be no reductions to proceeds distributed to non-profit organizations in Williams Lake, and in consideration of current economic challenges faced by the non-profit sector the BCLC increase the percentages of proceeds distributed to non-profit groups.

6) No Parking Zone on 1100 Block of Third Avenue – Report of Director of Muncipal Services

Councillor Rathor reviewed the Director of Muncipal Services report with Council

Council agreed to authorize a no parking zone on both sides of the street in the 1100 block of Third Avenue North.

7) DVP #5-2009 (Harvey Lammi)

Councillor Rathor reviewed the Planner’s report with Council. Councillor Bourdon commented that in the future, he would still like to see DVP’s or DP’s be considered separately, even if there are bylaw conformity issues on the same site.

Council approved DVP #5-2009

8) Street Naming Bylaw #2015 – Prosperity Way & Pioneer Drive

Council agreed to give 1st, 2nd, 3rd reading to Bylaw #2015

9) BC Transit Summary Report - Revision of Services to Accommodate the New Wal-Mart

Council received this report for information

10) Official Community Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment Applications - Roe / Sharman with Bylaws #2103/2104

Councillor Rathor reviewed the Planner’s report with Council

Council agreed to give Bylaws #2103 and 2104 1st Reading and refer the Bylaws to a Public Consultation Session then refer to the City’s Advisory Planning Commission for comment & recommendation(s)

11) Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination - Draft Resolution to Promote FCM Member Participation

Council endorsed the Draft Resolution of the Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination (CCMARD) to the Board of Directors of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM).

12) ICSP - Sustainability Principles & Charter of Sustainability

Council agreed to support the Sustainability Declaration with the addition of "using Sustainability Guidelines" in Principles of Smart Growth when making development decisions

13) Allocation of Surplus Kitchen Equipment from Cariboo Lodge

Council agreed to allocate the kitchen equipment from the Cariboo Lodge as follows:

• Salvation Army:
- Commercial Dishwasher
- Garland Range
- Exhaust Hood
• Food Policy Council:
- Stainless Working Area
- Walk-In Cooler and Freezer Unit
• Camp Likely:
- Stainless Steel Working Area
- Bakers Pride Oven
- Built-In Shelving

and subject to the City having first right of refusal on any equipment that is no longer required by the Salvation Army, Food Policy Council or Camp Likely


1) Council agreed to forward a letter to CRTC (Canadian Radio and Television Commission) to support the Canadian Olympic Committee regarding their application to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Committee (CRTC) for two television licenses, one English and one French, for the Canadian Amateur Sports Network and le Reseau du sport amateur canadien, with both channels dedicated 24/7 to exclusive coverage of Canadian amateur athletes and sports

2) Council agreed to give approval for the 2009 Annual Memory Tree Celebration on December 6, 2009 from 2:30 to 4:30 pm at City Hall, and the event be coordinated with City Staff and the Fire Department.

3) Council agreed to give approval for staff to erect the community Christmas Tree in Courthouse Square for the Winter Lights Light-Up event on Friday, November 27, 2009 and permission be given for heat barrels, as requested, and coordinated by the Williams Lake Fire Department.

4) Council agreed to give approval for the Winter Lights Christmas Magic Light-up Event and Santa's Candlelight Procession on Friday, November 27, 2009

5) Council agreed to give permission to close Third Avenue South from Yorston Street to the Canada Post parking lot driveway on Saturday, November 14, 2009 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm for the Hockey Night in Paradise fund and food drive

6) Council agreed to give approval for the horse drawn wagon rides for the 10th Annual Barton Family Christmas Gathering on Friday, December 11th.


Council proclaimed the week of November 9 to 13, 2009 as "Hockey Week in Williams Lake”

Late Items:

1) Council agreed to provide a letter of support for Ear to the Ground Planning for their submission to the Ministry of Citizens Services Dialogue Initiative Request for Qualification

2) Council agreed to designate Councillor Laurie Walters in the place of Mayor Kerry Cook as a City representative on the November 2009 BC/Asia Twinning Mission to Guangdong Province, China.

3) Remedial Action Resolution for 238 Crosina Crescent

The CAO reviewed the report of the General Manager of Planning & Operations with Council

Council agreed to issue the Remedial Action Resolution

Information & Announcements:

Members of Council made announcements relating to local events in Williams Lake


Council adjourned at 9:25pm with Council to move to an In-Camera meeting

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