Saturday, December 12, 2009

CRD Board Highlights - Dec 11/09


Directors Armstrong, Faust, Massier, Bischoff, Mazur, Barnett, Richmond, Dumaresq, Glassford, Bracewell, Mumford, Rattray, Sjostrom, Zacharias and Campsall


Director Jay Vermette (District of Wells)

Staff Present:

Janis Bell – CAO
Rick Hodgson – Deputy CAO
Lynn Paterson – Chief Financial Officer
Alice Johnston – Corporate Officer

Meeting called to order at 9:45am by the CAO

Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for 2010:

Director Barnett declared a conflict due to possible litigation and left the meeting

Director Richmond nominated for Chair. The CAO called 3 times for nominations and hearing none, Director Al Richmond was declared Chair for 2010

Director Armstrong nominated for Vice-Chair. The CAO called 3 times for nominations and hearing none, Director Ted Armstrong was declared Vice-Chair for 2010

Chair Richmond assumed the Chair

Chair Richmond then read out a Year-End Statement reviewing successes with the Board during 2009

Director Barnett re-entered the meeting at 9:49am

Meeting Agenda adopted

Meeting Minutes of Nov 20th

Amendment to Nov 20th meeting minutes – Amendment agreed to
Minutes of November 20th, as amended, adopted

Memo of Business (Delegations) – MOB Received

Planning Bylaws for 1st and 2nd Reading

Bylaws #4553 and #4554 (Area ‘L’) – Deferred for up to 60 days
Bylaws #4560 and #4561 (Area ‘L’) – Deferred for up to 60 days

Planning Bylaws for 3rd Reading

Bylaws #4537 and 4538 (Area ‘L’) – Bylaws read a 3rd time
Bylaws #4544 and 4545 (Area ‘L’) – Bylaws read a 3rd time

Planning Bylaws for Adoption

Bylaws #4383 (Area ‘B’), 4428 (Area ‘G’), 4447 (Area ‘L’), 4448 (Area ‘L’), 4503 (Area ‘G’) – Bylaws adopted

Development Variance Permit Applications

DVP #443 (Area ‘G’) – DVP approved
DVP #’s 444-448 (Area ‘J’) – DVP’s deferred for 60 days

Agricultural Land Commission Applications:

ALC Application F246 (Area ‘F’) – Application be rejected for various reasons, including the Area ‘F’ Advisory Planning Commission’s recommendation to not support the application and therefore not be forwarded to the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission

ALC Application G267 (Area ‘G’) – Application referred to Staff/Applicant for further consideration.

ALC Application L090 (Area ‘L’) – Application deferred for 60 days, pending review by Area ‘L’ APC

Planning/Building Inspection/Bylaw Enforcement - Other Business

Recommendations pertaining to a Liquor (Primary License) application in Area ‘L’ endorsed

Permitting Process for Temporary Accommodations (Short Term Vacation Rentals) in the Interlakes Area OCP - Draft Bylaw be approved in principle and referred to agencies such as the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and Area ‘L’ Advisory Planning Commission

Director Barnett/Armstrong –

"That the above motion be referred back to Staff for further clarification" – Motion approved

Proposed Amendment to Planning Policy P3.4 (Deadline for Submission of Applications) – Policy, as amended, endorsed

Bill 27 Requirements for OCP Greenhouse Gas Reductions Targets, Policies and Actions – The Board agreed to set a measurable target of a 33% reduction in community Greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2020, and an 80% reduction by 2050 from 2007 levels

Opposed: Directors Ted Armstrong and Jim Glassford

Director Barnett/Dumaresq -

"That a presentation on Bill 27 & Pacific Carbon Trust be scheduled for the Board ASAP and it be added to the Delegations Memo. of Business"

Meeting recessed at 11:24am
Meeting resumed at 11:37am

Building Stats Reports (CRD + Municipalities) for October 2009 – Reports received

7 “Notice on Titles” approved in Areas ‘B’, ‘D’, ‘G’, and ‘L’

Letter to CRD Chair from SAFERhome Standards Society – Letter received

Director Barnett/Mazur –

“That Staff report back on Provincially required Building Inspection” - Motion approved

Environmental Services

Proposed Water and Sewer Projects Reports – Report received
Refuse Site Inspection Report – Report received

Meeting recessed at 12:17pm
Meeting resumed at 1:03pm to go In-Camera (Sections 90(1a, i, j) of the Community Charter)
CRD Board resumed its’ open meeting at 1:43pm
Meeting recessed at 1:43pm and resumed at 1:47pm

In-Camera Resolution, with regard to Lac La Hache Fire Chief Resignation and appointment of new Lac La Hache Fire Chief, brought out of In-Camera and confirmed in open meeting

Director Barnett/Mumford –

“That the OCP/Zoning Bylaws be placed back upon the CRD Website immediately” – Motion passed

Community Services

Baker Creek Community Hall – Community Works Funding (Energy Efficiency Project and Enabling Agreement) – That the $2,800 for the project be approved from the 2010 Community Projects envelope of the Community Works Fund, that the appropriate signatories be authorized to enter into the necessary contribution agreement, and that the previously approved Grant for Assistance funding for this project be rescinded.

Protective Services:

9-1-1 Stats for November 2009 (North, Central and South Calling Exchanges) – Stats received

Proposal to expand 150 Mile Fire Protection Area – CRD Staff were authorized to petition residents within the proposed fire protection boundary expansion areas and proceed with the expansion if there is sufficient interest identified.

Request from 108 Volunteer Fire Department Equipment to leave Fire Protection Area for Olympics - Authorization was given for the 108 Mile VFD to deploy one engine and fire/rescue members to attend the Paralympic Games, as representatives of the Cariboo Regional District, with the stipulation that sufficient apparatus and manpower remain to provide fire suppression and first responder services within their fire protection boundary. Further, that the funds received specifically for “rental” of the truck be allocated to the Capital Reserve for future capital purchases

Emergency Social Services MOU – MOU endorsed

2009 Wildfire Season Report/Recommendations – Report from Director of Protective Services received and further that the Board rescind the appointment of Bobby Lloyd as the Cariboo Regional District ESS Director, and that a letter of appreciation be sent to Bobby Lloyd

Director Barnett/Bischoff –

“Staff asked to report back on PEP (Provincial Emergency Program) payments to CRD & Non-CRD Fire Departments” – Motion passed

Fire Chiefs Meeting Minutes of Oct 23-25, 2009 – Minutes received and Board endorsed a recommendation that the term of Fire Chief and Fire Department Member contracts, be changed from a two year term to a three year term commencing April 1, 2010


CFO Report – Report received

Cheque Register for November 2009 – Cheque Register endorsed

Revised 2010 Business Plans – The following 2010 Business Plans were endorsed as amended:
1) Administrative Services (1003)
2) Central Cariboo Victim Services (1037)
3) Red Bluff Sewer (1775)

CRD 2010-2014 5 Year Financial Plan – Item deferred to end of meeting
Request to use Area ‘K’ Opportunity Fund – Request to use $150 for SPCA sign from Area ‘K’ Opportunity Fund endorsed


BC Ready-mix Concrete Association (Concern about “Wood First” Policy) – Letter received

Release of In-Camera Item – The following In-Camera Resolution was confirmed in open meeting:

That the agenda item summary from Mitch J. Minchau, Manager of Environmental Services, dated October 9, 2009 regarding the requested contract rate increase by Lake Excavating for the Central Cariboo Transfer Station and Landfill Operation Contract, be received. Further, that the Cariboo Regional District extend the Central Cariboo Transfer Station and Landfill Operation Contract with Lake Excavating Ltd. until June 1, 2010 including a 5% rate increase

Request for Input from BC NDP Critics (Transportation and Infrastructure) – Letter received

Director Barnett/Mumford –

“That information be conveyed to Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure with a copy to BC NDP Transportation and Infrastructure Critics on need to include landscaping/fencing on Highway Improvements” – Motion passed

2010 Request to Hold Private Function on CRD Property – authorization was given to the Ministry of Forests and Range to utilize the player’s lounge at the South Cariboo Recreation Centre on February 19th and 20th, 2010.

Letter from City of Burnaby regarding PRIME (Police Records Information Management Environment) – Letter received

Administration Allocation Review - Proposed amendments to the administration charges policy were adopted as presented and that the changes are to be fully implemented in the 2010 financial plan

Request for Support of Mining Industry – Item received

2009/2010 Request to hold Private Functions on CRD Property - authorization was given to the 100 Mile Old Stars Hockey Club to utilize the player’s lounge at the South Cariboo Recreation Centre on December 26, 2009. Further, that authorization was given to the Old Cats Hockey Club to utilize the player’s lounge at the South Cariboo Recreation Centre on January 15, 16, and 17, 2010

BC Street Participation – Item received

Board Reports & Correspondence

Level 1 and 2 Corporate Priorities – Items received
Prioritization of Board Resolutions – Item received
Consent Calendar – Item received
Responses to Board Correspondence – Item received

Committee/Commission Minutes

Minutes were received and recommendations were endorsed from the following bodies:

• Nov 9th meeting of 108 Greenbelt Commission
• Nov 10th meeting of North Cariboo Joint Committee
• Nov 18th meeting of Central Cariboo Joint Committee
• Nov 19th meeting of CRD Finance/Budget Committee
• Dec 4th meeting of Central Cariboo Joint Committee
• Dec 7th meeting of South Cariboo Joint Committee
• Dec 8th meeting of North Cariboo Rural Caucus

Bylaws for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Readings:

Bylaws #’s: 4559, 4564, and 4565 of 2009 – Bylaws read 1st, 2nd, and 3rd time

Bylaws for Three Readings and Adoption:

Bylaw #4496(7), 2009 (CRD 2009 Financial Plan – Amendment Bylaw #7) – Bylaw, as amended, read 1st, 2nd, 3rd time and adopted

Bylaw #4562, 2009 (Central Cariboo Recreation Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw) – Bylaw read 1st, 2nd, 3rd time and was adopted

Bylaw #4563, 2009 (Red Bluff/Dragon Lake Sewer Management Amendment Bylaw) – Bylaw read 1st, 2nd, 3rd time and was adopted

Bylaw #4558, 2009 (South Cariboo Landfill Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw) – Bylaw read 1st, 2nd, 3rd time and was adopted

Bylaws for Adoption:

Bylaw #4549, 2009 (CRD Invasive Plant Management Service – Amendment Bylaw) – Bylaw adopted

Finance, cont.:

CRD 2010 5-Year Financial Plan – Plan, as amended, was endorsed for public consultation at 2010 CRD Town Hall Meetings (Electoral Areas & Joint Muncipal)

Directors’ Reports, Appointments and Notices of Motions

Directors’ made comments on activities occurring in their Electoral Area or Municipality


Meeting adjourned at 4:40pm

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