Saturday, December 12, 2009

Steve Rant - Mayor Cook & Councillor Zacharias (Lack of Ethical Conduct and Lack of Vision)

Yesterday, at the CRD Board meeting, the Board considered a letter from the BC Ready-Mixed Concrete Association, with regards to the Province's "Wood First Act"

However, Councillor Zacharias, as CRD Director for Williams Lake and given her association with United Concrete did not declare a conflict of interest on this matter

Now, it is true that there is no direct or indirect pecuniary (financial) interest in this case. However the ethical thing to have done is to withdraw from the meeting given that the letter was from the Concrete Sector and her company is in the concrete business. This is not a case of a rookie mistake. She was formerly the CRD Director for Electoral Area 'D' for 3 years (2005-2008) so she knows better. Hopefully she doesn't repeat this mistake again

Now, with regard to Mayor Cook, she is proposing the following changes:

CRD Director for Williams Lake - 2010:

That pursuant to the report of the Chief Administrative Officer dated December 11, 2009 and pursuant to Section 784 of the Local Government Act, Mayor Kerry Cook be appointed to the Cariboo Regional District as the City's Director for 2009/2010 and pursuant to Section 786 of the Local Government Act, Councillor Sue Zacharias be appointed as the City's Alternate Director and Councillor Surinderpal S. Rathor be appointed as the Second Alternate City Director to take the place of Mayor Kerry Cook and Councillor Sue Zacharias in their absence

Now, I can tell you that Mayor Cook has not bothered to observe 1 CRD Board meeting in all of 2009 and there are many things to learn including what you may and may not vote on - as Williams Lake is not a participant in all Functions so there are things we may not vote on. Also, changing the CRD Director for Williams Lake, at this time, is counter-productive to Board Relations and is, in my humble opinion, a step backwards

WL Council Portfolios for 2010:

Mayor Cook is recommending the following changes to Council Portfolios in 2010:


Corporate Organization
Cariboo Regional District
Policies, Bylaws and Records Management
Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee (Co-Chair)
Northern Development Initiative Trust Regional Advisory Committee
Cariboo-Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition Board

LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES - Councillor Surinderpal Rathor

Policing & Community Policing
Crime & Vandalism
First Nations Relations
Victim Services
Social Planning

FINANCIAL SERVICES - Councillor Tom Barr

Corporate Business Plan
Budget & Long Term Financial Planning
Risk Management
Tax & Collection
Information Technology
Fire Protection & Prevention
Emergency Operations & Planning

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Councillor Geoff Bourdon

Economic Development & Investment Opportunities
Planning & Hosting
2010 Initiatives
Special Events

DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS - Councillor Sue Zacharias

Planning (Land Use and O.C.P.)
Bylaw Enforcement & Business Services
Public Works & Utilities
Transit & Transportation
Garbage & Recycling
Fleet & Municipal Infrastructure
Communities in Bloom
Winter Lights

SUSTAINABILITY & ENVIRONMENT - Councillor Natalie Montoya

Air Quality & Environment
Education and Advanced Education
Youth, Seniors & Women’s Issues


Parks & Recreation Programs
Heritage & Museum
Arts & Culture
Joint Use Agreement

It is a rule that the Mayor should not change Portfolio Chairs unless they are doing a horrible job at their Portfolio, which in this case, has not occured to date

I believe Mayor Cook is making a very bad strategic mistake by switching Councillors' Rathor and Zacharias Portfolios as they now have to be briefed on their new Portfolio activities. Also, I don't see any indication that Mayor Cook won't be changing Portfolio Chairs in 2010/2011.

Finally, given Mayor Cook's public indication during the 2008 Election that she would be chairing the "Crime" Portfolio, it would not be unfair to accuse her of hypocrisy here. If you make a public promise, you should stick to it or don't make it at all.

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