Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Outcome of Friday December 4th Special Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting

Present from City of WL:

Mayor Cook (Committee Co-Chair), Councillors Walters, Barr, and Montoya

Present from CRD:

Directors Deb Bischoff (Committee Co-Chair), Steve Mazur and Duncan Barnett

City/CRD Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO, City of Williams Lake
Darron Campbell - Manager of Community Services, CRD
Janis Bell - CAO, CRD
Geoff Paynton - Director of Community Services, City of WL

Mayor Cook called the meeting to order at 4:06pm


By Consensus --

Minutes of the Joint Committee meeting of November 16th, 2009 be adopted


1) Memorandum from CRD Manager of Community Services re: Victim Services and 2010 Budget

The CRD Manager of Community Services presented his report to the Joint Committee and answered questions from Joint Committee members

By Consensus:

"That the memorandum dated Nov.27/09 from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services regarding a report from the WL RCMP Detachment on the Victim Services section be received"

2) Memorandum from CRD Manager of Community Services re: Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Service Delivery Plan - Public Comments & Summary Report

The CRD Manager of Community Services presented his report to the Joint Committee and answered questions from Joint Committee members

Discussion ensued thereon

By Consensus:

"The Joint Committee requests from the Arts and Culture Steering Committee:

a) A revised 2010 Budget for the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function

b) A proposed composition & terms of reference for an Arts and Culture Stakeholder Advisory Committee to advise on options for implementation of the Draft Arts and Culture Service Delivery Plan

3) Report from City of WL Director of Community Services re: Williams Lake Timberwolves Financial Update

The City of WL Director of Community Services presented his report to the Joint Committee

By Consensus:

"That the Joint Committee receive this report for information"

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