Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday News Round-up

In your WL Tribune today:

1) SD#27 looking to cut $3 million from its' budget for 2010-2011 school year - more here
2) Crime Stats on downward trend - more here
3) Prosperity Mine could mean work for displaced forestry workers - more here
4) Colin Hansen (BC Minister of Finance) takes issue with Bob Simpson's column last Thursday - more here

Also, CLAC has taken out an ad in the Tribune opposing CAW drive to become the union for workers' at Gibraltar Mines

Also, in the Vancouver Sun, in an Op-Ed (Opinion Editorial), Kennedy Stewart (senior fellow, London School of Economics, Department of Government and Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University Graduate Public Policy Program) talks about the Premier's Task Force on rewriting the rules on Local Government Elections - see more here

*** Reminder *** - at 7:30pm tonight in WL Council Chambers, WL Council will be hosting a public meeting on the 2010 Budget Process. Come out and tell Council your priorities for the 2010 Budget

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